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Had to share a laugh!

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Last night, our 4-H club was in charge of providing "security" for the 4-H building at the County Fair (for non-livestock projects.)  We just make sure that visitors are not touching the projects or taking anything and we answer questions for anyone interested in 4-H programs.  One family newer to our club joined us to help.  So, this sweet little 7yob asked when we get our guns.  We are like "huh?"  We told him we don't need guns.  He said "Not even tasers?  How are we supposed to do security without guns?"  We just about died laughing.  His poor "Earth mama, organic everything, no tv, play outside"  mother was mortified.  



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Sometimes kids are so literal.  That's a story his mom will certainly remember.  ?

I remember going to a neighborhood baby shower as a teenager and taking along a 6-7 year old little girl I was babysitting - she was from the same neighborhood and we were meeting her mom there.  As we pulled into the parking lot, she shyly asked if we had to take off all of our clothes for the shower or if we'd wear bathing suits.  I felt a little bad about not explaining the situation better, but I made sure to share what she'd said with her mom who thought it was adorable.    

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2 minutes ago, CindyH in NC said:

Sometimes kids are so literal.  That's a story his mom will certainly remember.  ?

I remember going to a neighborhood baby shower as a teenager and taking along a 6-7 year old little girl I was babysitting - she was from the same neighborhood and we were meeting her mom there.  As we pulled into the parking lot, she shyly asked if we had to take off all of our clothes for the shower or if we'd wear bathing suits.  I felt a little bad about not explaining the situation better, but I made sure to share what she'd said with her mom who thought it was adorable.    

I was that kid. I remember being very confused why my mom had a nice dress on to go to a shower.  I also was the kid who couldn't what Ramona Quimby did wrong when she was late for school after leaving at 25 after (a quarter after.)  Neither she, nor I, knew that a quarter after meant a quarter of an hour.  

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I've got one for you.

i have a job where I process academic documents for students applying for certain schools. Documents can be submitted, by mail, fax, or uploading directly to electronic account. Official (signed or stamped or whatever are not required, but we do get some any way). 

I was procession an account this afternoon, and a photo was submitted of an sealed envelop that had a sticker on it saying it was an official transcript only to be opened by school official. I worked really hard to compose a pleasant email to let the parent know that we could not access the transcript from the picture of the envelope, And I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face.

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36 minutes ago, City Mouse said:

I've got one for you.

i have a job where I process academic documents for students applying for certain schools. Documents can be submitted, by mail, fax, or uploading directly to electronic account. Official (signed or stamped or whatever are not required, but we do get some any way). 

I was procession an account this afternoon, and a photo was submitted of an sealed envelop that had a sticker on it saying it was an official transcript only to be opened by school official. I worked really hard to compose a pleasant email to let the parent know that we could not access the transcript from the picture of the envelope, And I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face.

Holy moly! That’s pretty bad! 

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