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Another area worth putting focus on is sensory integration. There are OTs that are certified for that but there are many books on it out there these days. I favor Kranowitz and Biel, but I have resources from others as well. There's a chapter on it in the OT book I suggested as well.

Just a note that reflex work will not resolve sensory issues, so keep that in mind.  

I buy most of my books on Kindle. It saves me money and I can highlight, make notes, and bookmark without worrying about marring a printed book. It also allows me to carry my books anywhere I need them with my tablet. 

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Yes, she definitely has sensory issues. Our old psych (we loved her... but she retired... ? ) wanted us to get in to an OT for sensory issues when dd was 3, but insurance wouldn't cover it at the time. Our library does not have the book you linked (the closest library copy is 166 miles away, in fact...), but I'll look into purchasing it once I finish up some of my other reading. So much to read and learn! ?

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I remembered about the sensory, this was why I mentioned it. I also remembered you had said the psych had retired. Sorry! It's certainly hard finding good doctors and therapists! Ask me how I know!

Could you maybe get it through inter-library loan? Also, when you are free from your current reading you could check your library for books from Kranowitz. Her books focus specifically on sensory integration. 

Here's a short bio and if you scroll down you can see her books:


Here's Biel's website. If you can't find her book try for Kranowitz. Chances are you will likely find at least one or two of her books. My mediocre library system carries several titles from Kranowitz, but they do not carry Biel's or Koscinski's (the OT book's author) books. 


I started reading before my two were first diagnosed. 6 1/2+ years later, I'm still reading. It's really the only way to stay current.

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Thanks! I wonder how you make time for everything!!

 I feel like even our basic goals are just our max right now.  With 2ish hours of outside therapies and/or appointments, VT exercises 3X a day (2 hrs total once dd is done pitching a fit and actually does it), an hour of instruments (they do love their music), a good chunk of time on daily things like eating and getting dressed and cleaning bedrooms and resolving fights, dance class and just an hour or two of free/down/play time, our entire day is gone. I’m lucky if oldest does math 2-3 times a week, and 5yo needs to learn to read at some point and DH is concerned that I’m failing them academically because we do it so rarely. I feel like what we’re doing isn’t too much. It feels ok and manageable but very full at the same time. It feels like too little, objectively, and like I should obviously be doing real academics, but I also think there’s no way I could add in more without going crazy. Lol.

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