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Homeschooling in NH?

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It's been a while since we HS'd in NH as we moved in 2003, but at the time it was fairly easy. You need to submit a letter of intent before the school year with a list of the curriculum you plan to use. At the year's end you either do a standarized test or portflio evaluation by a certified teacher.


I am curious what part of S-NH you are looking at? We lived in New Ipswich.

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it is super easy. We give a letter to intent to either the Seperintendent in our school district or to a principal of a private school. all they need is the name, age and address of the child and you. Then at the end of the year you either provide a portfolio to a qualified evaluator or you have the child take a standardized test. Personally, i find it easier to order the CAT exam from Seton. I administer it myself. When I get the results I send a copy into the Superintendent. We now have to do this from age 6-18.


Housing prices are cheaper here too!;)

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We're going to rent until we get more of our debt paid down. There's no way we could afford at the current prices, but they are cheaper in NH!


I'm so glad to know that I would not have to file until next year. I could definately do the CAT test!


I was feeling a little overwhelmed about it, but this clears up one roadblock.

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