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Busch Gardens (Williamsburg) experts...


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I have not been to Busch Gardens since I was in 7th grade, like 35 years ago. We were wanting to take our adult girls sometime this year. Can anybody tell me when would be a good time to go that won't be terribly busy? Obviously, weekdays will be better, but is there any time (month, particular days) that it is less busy? We don't want to end up spending most of our time waiting in lines. Thanks for any info!

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Well, I have very little experience of Busch Gardens in particular, but we've generally found spring and fall are by far the most comfortable times to visit the area. Spring tends to have lots of school groups travelling to the area, so I'd argue for fall. Still a few school groups, but not as many, and cooler past September. I'm not sure what BG's hours are like then, though.

eta: At least in Colonial Williamsburg, crowds drop off very fast once public schools open at the end of August. I'd assume the same would be true at Busch Gardens, but maybe they're only open on weekends then, so still crowded.

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We just went and it wasn't bad.  The crowds were minimal.  Of course, we managed to go on a weekend that was devoted to band competitions, so maybe that kept people away. ?  But in all honestly over the years that we've been, we have never had a problem.  We've gone in spring, late summer, and early fall and the only super long lines we've encountered are the newest attractions.

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