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Principles of Mathematics??

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Has anyone used this?  I am intrigued.  The narrative style is interesting, as is the way the author spends time playing with numbers and number systems in the first chapter.  At least in the sample I read, it has the feel of a living math book.  However, it's pretty new, and I haven't noticed many people talking about it yet.

I'm thinking about switching my very literary daughter from Saxon if we can find a better fit. Saxon is working okay, but she sees little connection between what she's learning in her book and the rest of the world.  (Don't suggest LOF. I know you want to.  It's on the tip of your tongue. Fight the urge.  She's horrified by Fred for some reason.)

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You made me look;) It looks really neat. If the math is solid, I'd go for it. It sure looks like it would help make math interesting and meaningful. I did well in math myself but didn't like it till college when i saw some connections accross disciplines to it. If i would have seen them sooner i may have taken alot more math;)

Mine arn`t that old yet, but I'm listening in:)

ETA. I just found a review on rainbow resource https://www.rainbowresource.com/proddtl.php?id=022788

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1 hour ago, WendyAndMilo said:

I'm using it currently with DS and both of us love it.  

1. There isn't a lot of drill and kill; in fact there is only like 15 problems per section with a good mix of different types of problems.  Lots of real world problems.

2. The chapters and sections build on each other nicely so that DS can pretty much teach himself and then I go over it with him to make sure he's got it

3. Not too easy, but its not AOPS either ya know?

4. The religous part of it is easy to ignore (first and last paragraphs of the section and maybe only one problem per set, if that).

ETA: if you want to see how it teaches a specific concept, I can send you some pics of the pages...


That's helpful. Thank you.

Is there enough practice to master the concept or would I need to add in extra drill?  This kiddo needs the drill/review.  I'm not opposed to adding it in, but I want to know what to expect.

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I really thought that we were going to be using this  for 7th grade next year, but after borrowing it from a friend and thoroughly looking it over, we are not.  There is not enough drill for my DD and not enough solving equations for X and order of operations.  That has been my main complaint about MLFLE 6 this year.  I feel like she should have had thorough teaching on order of operations and basic algebraic equations by now but she has not.  And looking over Principles, I feel like the scope is too big and there are whole chapters on things she has covered in detail and even mastered (multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, ratio, percent...) but nothing new until Chapter 10 (negative numbers.)  I just bought some MM downloads to hopefully fill in some gaps this summer and I'm actually wondering if I need to go the MM route for all of next year. 

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2 hours ago, kristin0713 said:

I really thought that we were going to be using this  for 7th grade next year, but after borrowing it from a friend and thoroughly looking it over, we are not.  There is not enough drill for my DD and not enough solving equations for X and order of operations.  That has been my main complaint about MLFLE 6 this year.  I feel like she should have had thorough teaching on order of operations and basic algebraic equations by now but she has not.  And looking over Principles, I feel like the scope is too big and there are whole chapters on things she has covered in detail and even mastered (multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, ratio, percent...) but nothing new until Chapter 10 (negative numbers.)  I just bought some MM downloads to hopefully fill in some gaps this summer and I'm actually wondering if I need to go the MM route for all of next year. 


Was this vol. 1 or vol.2 (pre-algebra)?

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45 minutes ago, shinyhappypeople said:


Was this vol. 1 or vol.2 (pre-algebra)?


It sounds like you could have skipped volume 1 and gone on to volume 2 in that case. Some kids can. Others need that extra year of review before they are ready for volume 2. This is what I have heard at least.

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I am SO on the fence about this decision.  I'm really drawn to this program for her because she learns best through reading.  

But in some ways, Saxon has been amazing for her.  She has made huge leaps in her math ability over the last two years.  I honestly credit it to the spiral review that slowly increases in difficulty over time.  

On the other hand, though she has very good procedural understanding, there's usually a sense of her being a little lost.  As in, she can do the problems but doesn't know why she needs to learn this stuff or why it even works.

Enter Principles of Mathematics as one possible solution.  About half of vol. 1 would be pure review.  The other half would be either taking a fresh look at an area she's weak in (unit conversions, I'm looking at you!) or actual new material.  Although, she might end up covering all or most of the "new" material by the time we finish Saxon 7/6.  

So... all that to ask: How frequently are the tests scheduled? One thought I had was for chapters that I *know* it's all review, have her read the chapter and then just take the end of chapter test to make sure she's solid.  Would that work? It would certainly make it do-able to finish vol. 1 in a semester without too much stress.



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