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Accountability Thread 3/4-3/10

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Good morning. It smells like spring outside, but there's a lot of winter left. Trying not to get too excited about garden plants coming and seeds sprouting in the oven. Yes, I sprout seeds in the oven. It's the warmest spot in the house that's safe from marauding cats.


Today's schedule:

Grocery run



School planning


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A nap sounds good. I was so tired and crampy that I almost took the day off today in favor of going back to bed. However...

Today's schedule:

French-review lesson 18, vocabulary

Latin-finish lesson 27

Math-finish lesson 9, page of KTM

Writing-new spelling words, grammar exercise, WWS Day 1

Literature-reading in respective books, vocabulary

Cooking-Chili, cornbread, cherry crisp


For me-French, Latin, Grammar, Writing, Housekeeping

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Today's schedule



Elder is working on his history project and I'll be dropping him at his friends house a bit later

Soccer practice

Don't know what's for dinner but will figure it out


And that's it! Our guest left today and I did a bit of cleaning, still need to do more, but I'm crampy and tired and have decide to relax.

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Good morning. Today's schedule:

French-Les Portes Tordues, exercises



Writing-practice spelling, grammar exercise, WWS Day 2

History/Science-reading and narration, questions


For me: French, Latin, grammar, writing, housekeeping, writers' meeting tonight.

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DD5 is coughing a lot (sounding congested). So we aren't going anywhere.


DH seems like he has the flu.


DD is acting normal and wants to do school.


Math lesson. Subtraction flash cards and videos on add/sub.


Audiobooks while playing


Science shows (Popular Mechanics for Kids)


"What's in the Bible" with Buck Denver


Read alouds "Fairytales"

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I've got another sinus infection (had one 3 weeks ago), so the dr is giving me stronger antibiotics and yet more allergy medicine (I now take 3 by prescription). I am planning curricula/classes for next year since the school thing didn't work out. 


DD got all her schoolwork done, and is bathing the dog in anticipation of a sleepover with one of her besties. I made her vacuum the house and clean her room yesterday.

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Mommyof1--hope you guys are feeling better


Aurelia--I hope you're feeling better, sinus infections are the pits!


Good morning all, our schedule today is





Instrument lesson and practice


Finish history project for big boy and finish studying for science quiz.

Mid-week church service


For me: I know what's for dinner and laundry, lol

Edited by mama25angels
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Today's schedule:

French-continue review lesson 18

Latin-Lesson 28, DVD

Math-Lesson 11, KTM

Writing-spelling practice, sentences, grammar exercise, WWS Day 3

Literature-comprehension questions

History/Science-swap from yesterday


For me: French, Latin, grammar, writing, housekeeping. I have a short story that needs beginning revision notes, about 2K to write on my novel, and a couple of query letters to proof before I send tomorrow. And I've got a phone call to make later today.

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Thanks Mama.


Hubby had to cancel his overtime shift. Slight improvement.


DD5 had flu symptoms last night and was feeling lousy this morning but now is acting normal sans not eating.


Me, blah.


School so far is Bible story and BP word families.


Currently watching her science show.

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Good morning, today's schedule



Spelling/ literature

Khan math or LOF

Instrument practice


Today is the last official day of co-op, the Science and history classes will go a few weeks longer, and then we'll begin our summer session. We will be on spring break next and I'll look at some stuff we have on the shelves to use for our summer learning. I'm also putting together a mini homeschool conference for myself, just a bunch of books and dvd's that I need/ want to read and watch for next year. After my little conference, I will put together a list of stuff to purchase and hopefully get busy planning for fall.

Edited by mama25angels
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:willy_nilly: I still haven't planned summer. I can't even think about fall yet!

Today's schedule:

French-Les Portes Tordues

Latin-continue lesson 28


Math-Lesson 12, 1 page KTM

Writing-spelling practice, sentences, no grammar today, WWS Day 4

History/Science-swap from yesterday.


For me: French, Latin, Art, Grammar, Writing, Housekeeping. I send three query letters out this morning and responded to a partial request yesterday. Here's hoping for some more partials and/or full requests in the next few weeks.

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Good morning. Today's schedule:

Do nothing.


I wish. I gave the boys the day off. There's an engineering practical at the creek conducted by DH and their presence is requested. So I'm going to fix the school schedule, write, clean the house in places and cook a little bit, and read this evening.

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Good morning all! Our schedule for today is


Lots of math, since we neglected it yesterday

Spelling test/literature/ grammar


Greek myth


Egads! I have nothing planned for my oldest, I guess I'll have to wing it with him for today. Ladies, I must say that I was very impressed with the history projects our kids did yesterday.

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