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Flylady Support Thread for Wednesday, February 28

Night Elf

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Hello Flyminds!


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: click here. You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


We have completed the Baby Steps found here and here.

We have also completed a Building a Control Journal Series found here.

If you would like to share your small accomplishments on instagram, please do so at #wtmflylady


Advanced Flylady: 


This week the Flylady is focused on Zone 5 - The living room, den, family room (Feb. 25 - 28) and 

Zone 1 - Entrance, front porch, and dining room (Probably Mar. 1 - 3)


Wednesday - Anti-procrastination Day!

Each and every Wednesday is Anti-Procrastination Day for FlyLady. This is a day that we take care of things we’ve been putting off. You can use this day to take care of any procrastinating you’ve done. You can do things like:

  • Make doctors appointments

  • Finish that report for work

  • Work on a project with your child

  • Clean the fish tank

You can do whatever you need to take care. This is the day to stop putting things off.


Flylady Mission: Today is our last day in the Living Room!  Let's have a detailed vacuuming session.  This means to vacuum the room, making sure to get up against the baseboards and to get under the furniture.  Please be careful that you don't hurt yourself trying to move furniture.  If it is too difficult to get under the couch or chairs then just try to get as close to the base of the furniture as you can.
Fly Kids Mission: We are going to go into our rooms or the area in the house where we keep our crayons, markers, coloring books and craft supplies.

Set a timer for 15 minutes and go through this items. Toss out the items that you no longer use, love, need or want. If you have things that you no longer want but are good enough to bless someone else with put those items in a separate bag and give to a grown up. Throw away the dried up markers, small broken crayons - anything that is no longer usable that is taking up space.

Remember: Less stuff to clean and put away, means more time to play! 

If you are new to Flylady, please join at any time. There is no better time then now to learn to keep your house clean the easy way!
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Boy am I getting off my routines! I'm going to continue listing my chores and doing what I can. DH has been a super help. I don't know how long it will take my back to recover but I sure can't take weeks off for this. Well, I may not have a choice but I'm hoping it will mend more quickly than that.


Zone Cleaning:

--Move furniture and sweep (DH would have to do this)

--Dust ceiling fan (DH would have to do this)


Morning routine


Afternoon routine



--Swiffer bedroom

--My bathroom tidy

--Have ds sweep his room



--Chiropractic visit

--Grocery store run

Edited by Night Elf
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