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Simple, Visual History and Geography?


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I am looking for simple history and geography books or curriculum for my daughter who will be in second grade in the fall. This school year, we are reading through Usborne's First Encyclopedia of History and DK's Children Just Like Me while using a globe. My daughter is a very visual learner, so this setup is working great. Is there something out there that is similar to these books, but only slightly more "advanced"? Everything that I have found so far seems leaps and bounds beyond what we're doing. I ordered and have looked through SOTW 1, but I don't think it will hold her attention. I'm open to doing American history, but haven't found anything that seems to fit her learning style... Any suggestions appreciated!

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I am trying to figure out something for my second grader in the fall too. Was looking at American history too. Thinking of a combo of road trip USA, mp book on stories of American heroes, draw the USA and some games like destination USA and scrambled states. I was thinking of buying the liberty kid videos too.

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Usborne time traveler is nice. My visual child really likes sticker books too, so I always try to get a few of those. Placing stickers keeps hands and eyes on task while you provide other information about the sticker orally. Ie. it goes near the coast, north of x or maybe asking, why do you suppose she is wearing that type of hat?

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I have a visual learner and used Story of the World.   What I did is I basically took books like those Usborn books and other library books and pictures online and while I read, illustrated the reading with those books.  And, initially, I also cut down the text in the chapters into shorter bits.   Sometimes I went so far as showing a wordless movie that showed pictures while I read.   Now my son can manage without so much...but it took a while.   And while that seems like a pain he is so engaged with the lessons.


Anyways, I've been slowly writing about how I did this on my blog if you'ld like to see what I did....I think I'm up to chapter 11 (we just finished volume 1...but I'm slow at blogging about it). 




As for Ancient times...I think if I were to go with something else visual I would use Kingfisher Book of the Ancient World.   The pictures are amazing...once I found it at my library I used it A LOT to illustrate Story of the World.   But I also really like the writing and the way it's organized.  It's longer paragraphs than Usborn...more similar to Story of the World in it's style in some ways (though doesn't include myths...you could supplement with those by just browsing your library). 



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