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New School Room is ready!!!!

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My dh has been working for the past 2 months to make a loft bed in a dead space behind a wall. This cleared the floor so we can have a double bed and not take up any floor space. He also redid all the woodwork, new doors, outlets, etc. We are moving the school room in there!!! I have shelving and such on order. The older shelving is being put in today so we can begin next week in the school room and take it out of the living room.


Pictures are up on my blog for those interested.

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Melissa, that's a wonderul job your dh did! It looks fantastic, and very professional! I'm impressed! Enjoy!


And, if I may grovel a bit, please, please, pretty please, tell me how I can find out about the November Sock Knitters Anonymous sockdown Mystery Sock. I'd give anything to participate. I'm a long-time sock-knitting fanatic and I've got tons of yarn ready to go.


ETA: Success! It's on Ravely, right? I found it!!


Ria (happily carrying her two printed clues and heading for the yarn bin...)

Edited by Ria
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Thanks! I think he did a great job. There's more to finish in the room (little things). And he had to take out a wall in the adjoining hall linen closet. Now he needs to put shelves back in there. Next is finishing the hall area which we decided to paint, re-trim, etc. I love the loft. It is awesome!


Tammy, thanks for missing me. I have just needed a break. A lot of stuff going on and I needed to stay away for a bit.


Ria, glad you found the pattern. Yes, it is on Ravelry. Who are you on there? Or are you being secret over there.:001_smile: I am newly addicted to sock knitting.

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I only moved one desk up in to the room. It is a small room. Most of it will be filled with the bookcases and cube case things that I ordered. That's why dh did the loft. He looked at the blueprints for the house and found this dead area behind the linen closet. It is the space over the ceiling for the stairwell that goes to the down stairs. He took out the top part of the half closet in the bedroom to make the loft. He only had to come out into the room a little bit in order to make it a double bed.


The kids are going to take turns sleeping in there at night until the newness wears off. One or both will use it for lessons/reading during the day. They are so excited about it! I love that space too.


Now we need to figure out a ladder. And I need to order blinds for the window so we can take the towel down! LOL!

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