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Wow, Lone Pine Latin is closing... anyone know the scoop?

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It's apparently due to the anti-net neutrality decision that happened in December, which affects small businesses who are dependent on online resources. I don't really know the hows or whys of it all. Does anyone else?


It also makes me wonder about other small online providers...


I think most LP courses are continuing the rest of the schoolyear, but are going to switch to evening times as Ms. K will be teaching at a school during the day.

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I was waiting to see if someone would post about this here, so I'm glad you did.  My daughter is in 300 and she cried when she read the email from Ms. K.  Lone Pine has been a good fit for her, and we were hoping to go through 400 and AP Latin through them.  It's sad and reminds me of when Landry closed.


It seems a bit premature to close due to the net neutrality ruling, however, I know very little (ok, nothing) about how that affects small businesses.  I replied to her email asking about that, but I haven't received a reply yet.  


I'd love to chat with other Lone Pine parents about this, not only to understand what's going on, but to see where other kids who have been with Ms. K for a few years end up.  


Anyone plan on going to convention this year?



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As someone who also teaches classes (mine are hybrid), I suspect the net neutrality is "the straw". If she has a day job now, I don't see how she could keep up her full load in the evenings. If new laws are making it expensive too, I completely understand.


I am a little alarmed about how net neutrality is going to play out for homeschoolers who rely on online classes. I have nothing face to face locally (except for my classes, lol), and dismal internet access already.

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New net neutrality regulations have NOT gone into effect, nor does anyone know what the real effect on anyone is going to be yet.  ISPs have NOT taken any measures yet, so anyone using the changed rules as an excuse for something or other is simply not acting on facts but on rumors, innuendos, speculation, erroneous interpretations, etc.


The following article is relatively apolitical and does a good job, IMHO, of trying to separate fact from fiction/speculation.





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