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Mayo on pizza? Is this a thing in the UK?


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You can definitely taste the difference between mayo made with sugar and without. My dad didn't believe my sister and I could taste the difference so did a blind taste test with us once. We had no difficulty knowing which was which. I may have to try the Trader Joe's mayo to see how it compares to my standard Duke's. The ingredient list looks similar, with lemon, which I like, and neither one uses any sugar.


As to slaw, can't stand slaw dressing either. I make my slaw with the no sugar mayo, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Odd, since I have a big sweet tooth, but this is how my mother made it. My stepmother, on the other hand, used to add artificial sweetener to everything, including commercial thousand island dressing, which already has a lot of sugar in it.


Oh, there is a taste difference for sure, but I'm not sure that I'd say Hellmans tastes sweeter. Just different. I think Hellmans has an eggier taste than Dukes, and Dukes has a more vinegary taste. But neither seem sweet to me. Now Miracle Whip...that is sweet! I' m a Hellmans girl through and through, again because of the eggier taste and the thickness. It's less creamy than Kraft, for instance, which I find way too bland. 


I actually love slaw made without sweetener, but it's hard to find. I haven't tried making my own, which now seems the obvious solution, lol. 


Edited to add: checked the ingredients and Hellmans has lemon and Dukes doesn't, and Dukes has paprika, and Hellmans doesn't. Maybe those differences are why I prefer Hellmans?

Edited by ktgrok
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