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Wanted to recommend a book for all the beautiful women on this board...

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and that includes ALL of you! Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by John and Stasi Eldridge is a book that I am reading with some friends from church. We meet every 2 weeks to talk about it. This book is incredible. Every woman (and her husband) should read it. I can't recommend it enough. It has blessed me beyond measure and I wanted to share it w/ you all b/c you all have blessed me so much. It is on sale until Monday evening at CBD...part of their Fabulous Friday markdowns. It is only $5.99. Anyway...simply a wonderful book. I just had to share.

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I have wanted to read this, but am leery of Open Theology, which John Eldridge espouses. Does it come into play at all in the book? I would still read it, but am tender at the moment and not willing to overlook much that I feel doesn't "line up" with orthodox views.

Not a slam, by any means. I'm glad it blessed you so very much.

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I have wanted to read this, but am leery of Open Theology, which John Eldridge espouses. Does it come into play at all in the book? I would still read it, but am tender at the moment and not willing to overlook much that I feel doesn't "line up" with orthodox views.

Not a slam, by any means. I'm glad it blessed you so very much.


Chris, I have not read this book, but I do take issue with John Eldredge's Wild at Heart, which misquotes scripture. Here is one review of Captivating and you can google others.


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