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Accountability Thread 11/5-11/11

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Good morning.

School this week and next, and then a short break for the week of Thanksgiving. After that, I'll have 14 year old boys.

I didn't get much planning done over break, but I did get some thinking done, and that's harder than writing things down.

Today's schedule:

Write that thinking down

2000 words for NaNo

Finish reading a poetry book

Grocery list

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:grouphug: Happy. I hope they get things fixed for you.

Today's schedule:

French-Lesson 8, audio, vocabulary

Latin-continue lesson 22, review grammar, workbook

Math-Lesson 11, 1/2 questions, 1 page KTM

Writing-NaNoWriMo, pick new spelling words, grammar exercise

Literature-Casey at the Bat, pregrammar, grammar

History-Part 1 conclusion, narration

Science-Metals, questions


For me: French, Latin, NaNoWriMo, grammar, minor housekeeping. Doctors appt in the afternoon, routine. I need to get 2K words written today.

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Good morning! Very damp outside today--I didn't much like being out in it.

Today's schedule:

French-Les Portes Tordues

Latin-some translation, vocabulary review

Art-drawing lesson

Math-finish the last half of yesterday's lesson, KTM

Writing-NaNo, practice spelling, sentences

History/Science-swap from yesterday


For me: French, Latin, Art, print out a bunch of grammar, NaNo, light housekeeping, writers' meeting tonight.

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 Blah.  I didn't get but half my stuff done today.  DS got finished, but DD7 and DD9 I only got halfway through.


I am in quite a bit of pain.  It makes it hard to focus.  I posted a thread about my dry socket, I called the dentist again today but no pain meds, just alternate tylenol and advil.  Honestly, I just don't see how that is much better for me than just giving me another week of 5/325 vicoden.  I know that the fear of god has been placed into every single perscribing doc, but dang it, it's not like I am faking a dry socket.  I was in there, it's diagnosed.  They have pulled teeth for me before, they have done other work, they KNOW that I am not some sort of druggie addict.


Whatever.  Pain makes it hard to teach my kids, but you know, whatever. 




On top of that, DH called me at 5:30, his tire on his truck is flat.  He's at work.  He can't change the tire because guess what....he didn't get the tire reparied/replaced after the LAST time he got a flat.  So, I had to drive out to get him.  The spare that needs to be fixed was tossed in the back of the van.  Tomorrow, I will need to drive him to work, then go get the spare repaired (or just buy a new tire.)  Then, drive the tire back to DH's work, and get it into the truck.  THen he will change it when he's off work and come home.  Which means my day (and the kids day) is already pretty spoken for.  Which, I suppose with how much pain I am in, isn't much different right?


BAH!  I hate this shtuff


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Good morning.

Today's schedule:

French-continue lesson 8, review, translation

Latin-continue lesson 22, translation, review grammar

Math-lesson 12, KTM

Writing-NaNo, spelling practice, grammar

Literature-definitions, read aloud practice

History-reading, narrations

Science-reading, questions


For me: French, Latin, Grammar, Writing, Housekeeping, Cooking

I'm tired already. :svengo:

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Happysmileylady-I'm so sorry you're in so much pain. With all that you have going on, perhaps this week should be an off week?



We are still sluggish after traveling the way we did this past weekend, the weather is cold and gray and I really don't feel like doing much of anything. I will however press on, because in a few weeks we will break for Thanksgiving and then for Christmas. I'm hoping to have my energy levels back up.

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Our schedule for today had been mostly completed


Ortho/dentist appointment


Christian studies review



Latin for older boy


This afternoon we're going to plat laser tag with our co-op and bigger boy is going to a concert with two of his older siblings, he's so excited about this. Planning lite work for tomorrow.

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We had a wild morning, so school will start for us in about thirty minutes. 

So far we did art.


Today's schedule:


French-Les Portes Tordues


Math-half lesson, KTM

Writing-spelling practice, NaNo

History/Science-swap from yesterday


For me: Art, French, Latin, NaNo, Houskeeping, some cooking.

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