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do it yourself latin?

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Ds is going to be without a Latin teacher for the rest of the year. I would like him to have a shot at finishing a year's worth of Latin before the fall. He's pretty smart, but inexperienced. I think the text he has is Artes Latin--it's from the public school, and we just sent it to juvenile detention with him. He will prolly go to a residential program for 6 months, and they will only teach the basics.

So, does anyone have a good Latin program that is really well laid out, and can be self-taught? NO Henle--has to be completely secular or he won't do it. I don't care about pronounciation, and I don't care for Rosetta Stone anyway (for Latin), so that one is out. Any others? I need something that says Do this lesson today, this lesson tomorrow, and contains enough text for him to get it without a teacher.

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Well, he could try Wheelock's, but I don't think he can get through it in one year of self-study. There are online groups to assist him.


Another option is Latin For Beginners by D'Ooge. It is a free download. There is a downloadable answer key as well. I sent the pdf to my local kinko's and had them print it for me. (make sure they size it to fit the page, otherwise the text is too small) It is secular.

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There is Latinum - it is totally secular, and will allow him to progress to a very high level, in a series of carefully gradated steps.

There is a textbook, which is also available in audio. The audio really helps speed up the course, and makes the textbook easier to deal with.



Read the FAQ pages first, which explain a bit about how the course works. Thousands of episodes are downloaded every day - this system works well, and it is essentially free, as well.

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