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One year world history and one year science.


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Is it possible? I keep searching and not finding anything here on wtm. I've only found sonlight one year, it doesn't use sotw though, which is what I'd like to follow, since I already have it. My delima is getting world history done this year and American history next year, just in case my 12 yr old goes to ps, I'd like him to have a good base of both. And if he doesn't, then we start world history again for his ninth and my other sons seventh grade year, breaking up world history into two years. I need an outline to follow though. I don't know how to condense down sotw to fit all four books. If we go into summer it's fine, I do want a break before we start American history though. They do history and science together, different literature levels. They are ten and twelve.


I also need to apply the same to science, since I would like to use elemental science, can it or something similar be combined to fit astronomy, earth science and biology this year and physics and chemistry next year?

Edited by BBRANDONSmom1
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If you did two sections each day from sotw, you would come out about right. I personally would choose something else for that age, taking two years for world history and letting American history wait for high school. Sotw covers the major events of American history anyway. Bookshark has science for the middle grades that would cover all the major branches within a two year time span.

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Okay, I'm thinking American civics, not American history. So I could possibly cover sotw 1&2 this year and 3&4 next year with some civics somewhere. Then if I'm still schooling for high school, see what's good for high school. I can't believe I blanked on the whole history civics things. Not enough coffee this morning after I got home from the barn.


I don't know if I will be schooling through high school or not yet. If they go, then I'll pick up one of those what your child needs to know books the summer before to make sure I covered what the school wants. Wasn't thinking that.

Edited by BBRANDONSmom1
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