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"Where is my child at?"

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I have a sick sense of humor. The email I received today from Rod and Staff Books cracked me up:






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Where is my child at?


ETA: I have no problem with assessments. And new products excite me. It's just that preposition hanging there. It cracks me up. Really. Here's the link:




Edited by Nicole M
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Reading the title, I thought you were missing your child.


Then I started singing. ("Where my girls at...")


It's late. I need sleep. I should go to bed.


We're both tired. In the morning I'll probably think, why on earth was I giggling about that "at" all day?

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I know mistakes in grammar are easy to make - I'm probably going to make 3 or more in this post alone... but I would not buy a product from a company that makes that kind of glaring error.


"Where is my child at?" How the heck would they know?? :D




That's just a distributor, though. The R&S Grammar that I know would NEVER EVER make that kind of mistake. I promise you, that's *not* the publisher.

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I just got done reading up on prepositions and there are times when it sounds better at the end of the sentence. I'm not sure if "Where is my child at." fits this category, but just thought I'd throw it out there.


In the case of "at," either you rewrite the sentence or you drop the "at."


"Where is my child?"


Of course, that doesn't mean what they intended their sentence to mean. But then, I don't think their sentence means what they think it means. either.


"Evaluating your child" would be better. Or, you know, nothing at all. Or incorporate the series title. "Assess your child's mastery of essential learning lbjectives."



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