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Logic stage history notebook...??


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Just wondering how you set up your notebooks for history.....SWB has nine divisions for the notebook (pg. 274 of WTM). Do you divide yours this way? Do they write papers and then file them under whatever the topic is? It just seems like a little much and wondered if there was a way to simplify it a bit. I don't want to regret not doing it from the beginning though if it proves beneficial. Any advice?



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I like keeping each "subject" all together, so I kept our notebooks chronological; but I keep those categories in mind when it comes time to write.


For each topic, I put the related map first, any outline second, then any additional written work (be it on a great person, a war, a city, a religion, etc.) after that.

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Just wondering how you set up your notebooks for history.....SWB has nine divisions for the notebook (pg. 274 of WTM). Do you divide yours this way? Do they write papers and then file them under whatever the topic is? It just seems like a little much and wondered if there was a way to simplify it a bit. I don't want to regret not doing it from the beginning though if it proves beneficial. Any advice?




I divided ds's this way. Outlines are kept in their own section, and narrations get filed under the other categories listed in WTM. It wasn't hard once he got going and understood where to file things. He just picks topics from KF that he wants to read further about, narrates them, and files them. He even tries to find topics that span the categories, and I like that because he is broadening his reading/writing scope without me asking him to. I don't make him do a certain number of papers for each category or anything like that - just a couple of narrations a week on topics that interest him. They'll all get filled up over 4 years and he'll be able to follow, say, religion through history, or cities development through history, or historic figures through history, just by reading through what he has filed in various categories.

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We follow the WTM divisions as well. So far it's working well; some sections are fuller than others but it's still early in the year. I would think though that you should be able to easily modify the WTM suggestions to suit your needs. Perhaps you could create divisions like this:


1. "Important Events" that would encompass Wars & Conflicts, Religion, Inventions & Technology, and Arts & Great Literature

2. "People & Places" to include Great Men & Women, Cities and Settlements, and Daily Life

3."Primary Sources"


You could file your outlines in one of the other 3 categories rather than in it's own section. Good luck!

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