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Who else does absolutely *zero* on Valentine's Day?

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The Diamond commercials. How could I forget the diamond commercials.


It's painful.


Commercialism at it's ugliest.




I almost cried last night at the one where the little kid goes to his "girlfriend's" house with the "Kay" box. It was so awful. Oh, that's what "training up a child" is supposed to mean! Okay! Sounds great! :mad:

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I don't acknowledge Valentine's Day as a rule in the romance dept for dh, but I always do something for the girls. Overall I think it's a stupid holiday. But after 15 years, dh continues to acknowledge it by doing little things to make the day special. I finally decided it's special to him so this year I won't partner with you. I am joining my dh, got a babysitter and we are going out to be patrons of stupidity and have fun doing it. No pun intended.

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We celebrate Valentine's Day, but not in the traditional sense. We don't buy anything! The DC and I will make heart-shaped sugar cookies today. For DH, I made up a list of 52 reasons why I love him (silly stuff - I love you because you let me put my cold feet under your warm ones; I love you because you never complain about digging though the sock basket looking for a matching sock; etc.). I printed each on individually on business cards that I ran through the printer and bound them together with a little ribbon.


As we've worked to slow down our busy lives, I'm appreciating the minor holidays more. I'm using it as an opportunity to spend time with my family and doing things that I should do anytime of the year, but normally doesn't happen because I need to get the laundry finished or the sink repaired or whatever. We do NOT use the holidays as an excuse to spend money.

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We have never celebrated it. I had a hard time with that in our first year of marriage but I got over it! And I agree with my dh that it is hard to have to get the "expected" things or better yet, somehow "one up" the expected things!


My dd6 is hugely into the valentine thing. She has been making valentines for two weeks now. I thought it was very sweet when she gave a valentine to a single 40-ish man at church who is one of her "teasing buddies" - he blushed!

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