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Flylady support Monday...

3 ladybugs

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Good morning Flyminds!   ;)


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it. 


Please join in on the fun!




Dh is gone. ODS is up. I am starting on my list today. I think it will take a bit. Lets see what today throws at me. ;)

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I'm all dressed.  Cinnamon roll dough is rising.  Ani's alarm just went off since she has to go in to work for a little bit this morning.  The three boys are all asleep still (and my husband is in Minneapolis for training this week).  The HVAC guy is coming some time this morning (for a check-up) and they are supposed to finish resurfacing our neighborhood at some point which will lock us into our driveway for several hours.  That reminds me.  I'll have to tell Ani to park on the next street that's already been resurfaced when she comes back from work this morning or she might not be able to leave for work this afternoon.


This week my zone is the kitchen.  I have a bunch of drawers and cabinets that need to be cleaned out.

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Yay! I thought I was the only one still here for a bit. :blush:


I have pre-treated all the stains and have them in the washer. Kitchen laundry is in the dryer. ODS is about half way through his school. This week is odd with him as we are going to see the eclipse at the end of the week and I am not wanting to start something new that we can't finish. So light week. 


Still need to do:

  • Power hour
  • another load of baby laundry
  • clean counter tops in all the bathrooms (laughable as we don't have counters in our bathrooms, so I will do all horizontal counter like places ;) )
  • 10 minute room rescue (basement)
  • 5 minute hot spot
  • Educate my youngest


I would like to get to that dresser today too but not sure if I will. I have some ordering to do today as well. That is always fun!



ETA: Are microfiber cloths worth it? I had some, but I think I washed them wrong and I don't think they are that good anymore. I thought about getting a big lot of them from Amazon. I have to order from Amazon today anyway. 

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Good morning!


I'm up (obviously), dressed (no shoes), bed is made, dishes and sink are handled, load of laundry is started. 


I looked at today's mission (clear bathroom counters off), and ran into a roadblock. I would love to have my counters always cleared off. (So nice and fresh! So easy to swipe daily!) But with the work we have going on right now, DH and I are temporarily sharing a tiny vanity, and there's not enough space for what I have. Part of the problem is that I do have too much stuff (and too little organization for the stuff), so I really need to purge/declutter and then get some good organization. It's hard to be motivated to do that for a temporary situation. So for now the stuff lives on the counter and daily swiping in my bathroom doesn't happen. The kids' bathroom is perfect for swiping, and I plan to have that become a daily chore for DD, but we're working on getting a backsplash (definite plans, not a nebulous "working on it"), and until that's in, I don't want her getting water behind it on a daily basis. 


So today I moved on to tomorrow's mission (shine shower). Perfect! In my weekend party prep of cleaning the bathrooms, showers didn't get done. I've done the kids' shower, next up will be mine. 


I think I'm also going to work on a list of alternate missions (I'll need at least 1 this week), plus my procrastination things for Wednesday.

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Yay! I thought I was the only one still here for a bit. :blush:


I have pre-treated all the stains and have them in the washer. Kitchen laundry is in the dryer. ODS is about half way through his school. This week is odd with him as we are going to see the eclipse at the end of the week and I am not wanting to start something new that we can't finish. So light week. 


Still need to do:

  • Power hour
  • another load of baby laundry
  • clean counter tops in all the bathrooms (laughable as we don't have counters in our bathrooms, so I will do all horizontal counter like places ;) )
  • 10 minute room rescue (basement)
  • 5 minute hot spot
  • Educate my youngest


I would like to get to that dresser today too but not sure if I will. I have some ordering to do today as well. That is always fun!



ETA: Are microfiber cloths worth it? I had some, but I think I washed them wrong and I don't think they are that good anymore. I thought about getting a big lot of them from Amazon. I have to order from Amazon today anyway. 


I think they are. I got a mixed package of ecloth from Amazon, choosing one based on what I would clean with a microfiber cloth. I've found that I can do some pretty serious cleaning with just water, plus it's not a problem to add cleaning solution when I need it. For washing them, I throw them in with our cloth napkins and dish towels. Everything gets washed on hot with normal detergent and an extra rinse, then I air dry the microfiber. 

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toilet swished. Bed made. First load of laundry in. 


Dry &  put away load in washer. 


Wash, dry, & put away second load. 


Do 15 min cleaning rotations in kitchen, living room, bedroom. kitchen, living room


 Sweep: hall, entrance, living room, kitchen 


I have a ds who doesn't live at home and his fiance coming, so I may not be able to do as many rotations as I need to, but I should be able to do some.


Social connection needs to be prioritized. 

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morning routine: bed, bath swish/swipe, laundry


zone mission: bathroom/other room: will pick up 5 minutes in baby's room today. 


Monday focus: home blessing steps: all trashes emptied. 2 of 4 beds' sheets were changed last night. Will do baby's today when in her room for 5 min. sweep as needed. 


bake cupcakes for girl scouts. check calendar. Dinner will be sandwiches tonight.  Make grocery list for tomorrow's payday shopping trip. 


schoolwork. Having a monday around here.... kids are in teenagery moods. We are going, but slowly.

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Question: how does everyone do the weekly blessing hour stuff? 


The basic cleaning is what I'm especially bad at and need a more specific plan for. I did decide that I'm going to set up a Roomba rotation and plan to get 2 or 3 spaces vacuumed each weekday.


I did get the second shower scrubbed. DD was working on her math at a sloth's pace, so I made it a race between me (and my shower) and her (and her math) - win win!

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Sorry I flew off. I am normally not doing much so I can be on here. Just found out for sure I am going to get a placement either this week or early next week when I get back. So ran off and got some things that I needed. 


Not much got erased from my list today.


  • Power hour Half done
  • another load of baby laundry Did this, but have another load to do now. LOL 4 loads done!
  • clean counter tops in all the bathrooms (laughable as we don't have counters in our bathrooms, so I will do all horizontal counter like places  ;) )
  • 10 minute room rescue (basement) Not happening tonight
  • 5 minute hot spot I am counting my lining 5 drawers in a dresser as this
  • Educate my youngest Not happening today... maybe tomorrow.

 I did get a cleaning brush when I was out. I am hoping it helps me with problem areas like the tub. We will see. I also successfully vacuumed the one rug I have in the main area of the house. Yay me!


Oh and to answer the question: I have yet to successfully do a blessing hour. Give me a bit and I will let you know! ;)


ETA at 9 pm EDT Found out that our township may have lead in the water. Really not happy now. Good thing we tend to drink spring water. 

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