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More than 1 level of AAS in a year


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My DS, 9, finished AAS, level 4 last year. We worked on spelling 3 days a week. He does well and enjoys it. Maybe we could completed levels 5 and 6 this year. I'd like to hear from those doing multiple levels of AAS in a year. How do you organize it? Any other tips?



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I did levels 1 - 4 in one year with both kids.  DS then did levels 5 - 7 the next year.  DD is on track for 5&6 this year, but I think 7 will run into 2018. 

We just do the lesson and if they have no trouble spelling the words, or with the 5 sentences I choose to dictate, we move on to the next step.  If there is any hesitation or difficulty at all, we redo the lesson with another 5 sentences the next time. 

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We've done up to 2 levels in a year, but that was for my child who was a natural speller.  My others need a slower pace with more repetition of the rules.


For my kiddo that did the 2 levels in a year, we often did spelling 4-5 days/week.  Like Grover, I didn't repeat the lesson the next day if he spelled the words correctly with tiles and then his dictated sentences were correct. (Plus he's not a kid that likes spiral review.  He thrives on mastery.)


Again, I could only move that fast because spelling came easily to him and we worked on it 4-5 times/week.

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For Just about all our workbooks once we finish one book, we have a week off that subject then move right into the next level. we do this for everything except history. This allows the child to work at their own level. The true advantage of homeschooling. Of course after a few years there can be a spread of levels across subjects. But it has worked well with all my children.

Edited by Melissa in Australia
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We just do the next thing.  Sometimes DD has a problem word that she doesn't get as quickly as the rest, but I don't want to hold her back just for a word or two.  We'll just add it to a "problem words" list.  We keep doing those in addition to our normal lessons until she has them, then hit them periodically again later.  On the list are also words that I see her misspell in her other writing.  We usually have an additional list of 10 words or so we work on daily along with our AAS lessons.  

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