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What is it with neighbors thinking since we are home that I can watch their kids!?!?!


Neighbor asked me if I would watch for her kids today(if she isn't home), so she could go vote around 1pm. She said she might not get home to get her kids off the bus--they get off around 3.


She is a SAHM with a toddler!

No, I was not asked to watch the toddler!


Why not do this stuff while the kids are in school!!


I had already made plans to do some errands after the kids lessons today, so I told her I was not available.

I am so tired of this!!!



This is not the first time this has happened!

Last year it was almost every day.

She would run out to do errands at the last minute. She would casually drive up about 15 to 20mins after the bus!!

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Why is it such a big deal? If it were my neighbor and I were going to be home, I'd say sure. If I had plans, I'd tell her that I was sorry but I couldn't.


I can understand if a neighbor was constantly asking me, but isn't it good to help each other out?


YIKES! I missed the part at the end. I would tell her no and not watch her dc if she simply didn't show up in time.

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It does get frustrating. I always let my neighbors know (back in the US) that I worked at home during the day until at least 2 pm and wasn't available to watch their dc until after that unless we had errands of our own to run. I let them know I would be glad to do it when I can, but, not to feel bad if I say no because of our schedule.


I look at schooling my dc as a full-time job that I happen to do out of my home. It worked well, and, let people know that I take homeschooling seriously.

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Why is it such a big deal? If it were my neighbor and I were going to be home, I'd say sure. If I had plans, I'd tell her that I was sorry but I couldn't.


I can understand if a neighbor was constantly asking me, but isn't it good to help each other out?


YIKES! I missed the part at the end. I would tell her no and not watch her dc if she simply didn't show up in time.



I understood about how someone could lose track of time, but then it was happening all the time.

I noticed that she would wait until the last minute to leave and when she got home she would get everything out of her car before even thinking of getting the kids!

And never a "thank you so much" or "I totally lost track of time" NOTHING!


I try to help out, but I stop when taken advantage of!

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What is it with neighbors thinking since we are home that I can watch their kids!?!?!


Neighbor asked me if I would watch for her kids today(if she isn't home), so she could go vote around 1pm. She said she might not get home to get her kids off the bus--they get off around 3.


She is a SAHM with a toddler!

No, I was not asked to watch the toddler!


Why not do this stuff while the kids are in school!!


I had already made plans to do some errands after the kids lessons today, so I told her I was not available.

I am so tired of this!!!



This is not the first time this has happened!

Last year it was almost every day.

She would run out to do errands at the last minute. She would casually drive up about 15 to 20mins after the bus!!


This is one of those instances where you should look at it as a good exercise in honesty. If you are unable, or plain don't want to do this, just politely say that you aren't available.


You may think this strange, but I would love a neighbor like this. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to be taken advantage of, but, people who feel free to ask for frequent, "little" favors like this, generally don't mind being asked the same. If neighbor asks freely, I would feel the freedom to do the same. Imagine if we all really felt this "neighborly"! Life could be easier all the way around. But, I've read enough posts here to realize that most people don't like to have that level of familiarity with their neighbors. Oh well, guess I'm strange, :tongue_smilie:


Just another way to look at it, perhaps?:rolleyes: HTH




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I think if it were every once in a while I'd be willing to help. However, she sounds like the type to take advantage of your kindness.


I personally don't have anyone to watch my dc to do errands (w/o dc that is) or go to the doctor. My dh has stayed home for me to go to the dr. I make all my hair appointments for Saturday and when I go vote I take all 4 dc (except this year I early voted on a Sunday!). I think it's good for our children to see us vote so you may want to suggest she take them. Keeping the toddler in the stroller with a good snack works for me. ;)

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I understood about how someone could lose track of time, but then it was happening all the time.

I noticed that she would wait until the last minute to leave and when she got home she would get everything out of her car before even thinking of getting the kids!

And never a "thank you so much" or "I totally lost track of time" NOTHING!


I try to help out, but I stop when taken advantage of!


Uh, I hadn't read this when I posted. Part of being "neighborly" is being grateful when helped!!



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