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Baby Colds


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My six week old has a mild cough, is congested, and is a bit fussy. He doesn't have a fever and is nursing well. I only like one of the three doctors in the practice and do not know which doctor is on call. Do I call tonight to talk to the doctor on call or wait until morning and try to get a sick visit with the pediatrician I prefer?

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As long as he is nursing well and not running a fever, I would see no reason to call the pediatrician at all.  There is nothing they could do for a cold.


To help keep baby comfortable, I would run a humidifier, have him sleep on an incline (swing, bouncy seat, Rock and Play, etc) and give him extra cuddles.  If the congestion bothers him, you could sit with him in a steamy bathroom for a while to loosen it up and then use a nasal aspirator.



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Just be prepared to take baby in if a fever does develop. One of my twins, closer to six months than six weeks, had a mild cold one Saturday.  That evening he had a fever, and we had an ice storm. His cough got worse, fever rose, and I had to drive in an ice storm to the ER.  Pneumonia, and I got dirty looks for not having taken him in Saturday morning to his ped.  But he didn't look all that ill then!


I think with a six-weeker I'd go in and get him looked over sooner rather than later. Or baby will decide to get really sick, fast, after hours. He is a boy, after all - is there such a thing as a Baby Man Cold?  I think they plan it that way!  Sneaky little babies!.

Edited by JFSinIL
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