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The Long Trip Teachers Lounge 6-7-2017


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!



When you were growing up, did you go on long summer road trips with your family? :auto: Here: yes, I'm pretty sure it was EVERY summer!

A couple times to go camping in Missiouri; once, we went half way across the U.S.; and other times we hit Kentucky and Tennessee.

One summer I hitched a ride with my sister and her friends who were headed to Florida (from Illinois) so they could drop me off to visit

our other sister in Georgia.


Have you continued the tradition of long road trips with your own family? Here: sadly, we haven't. I did one with the kids when they were 9 and 3,

but that was really to move across the country. I wish we had taken a little more time to enjoy the various sites we saw in passing along the way.

I also wish we had done more road trip vacations as they got older. They are now 18 and 12 so it's not too late. Money, however, is extremely tight.

I really need to figure out the time and finances to go visit my MIL who lives literally across the country.


Or, instead of long road trips, do you do day trips - drive an hour or so to a destination, enjoy that destination for awhile, and then drive back the sameday? :driving: Here: we have done that. At least three times last year. It's definitely cheaper than cross-country and you don't have the hotel expense. Living in AZ, there are several intersesting sites and places to go that are within a day's drive.


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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We do both kinds of trips.


We take the rocket team to Washington DC for TARC - did that five years consecutively - and then this year to Huntsville. So on top of doing them for family vacation, we do it annually for 4H.


Our best road trip was probably our Badlands/Black Hills/Devil's Tower trip. It was amazing, and such a blast with the boys.


Our dd's favorite - since she was married and not along for the above - was one that we took through Canada. We stopped at a lot of hiking spots, waterfalls, and fished several places. She enjoys fishing.


Next up, if I can possibly find a free four days this summer, I am taking the boys to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, and jaunting down to Cuyahoga National Park.


We will also be taking a group of space technology students to the John Glen Center in Cleveland area this next fall, the rocket team to DC most likely, and may yet have another trip to Huntsville if dh ends up being the level two mentor for a different student launch team. We'd have Huntsville in April, and DC in May.


I'd like to get a break from the techie rocket trips sometime and do a Maine and Vermont trip. None of our kiddoes have seen that part of the country. If dear grandbaby ever decides he can handle his car seat for more than one hour bursts, I'd grab dd and family as well, and head out. As it is, they are pretty much stuck with plane travel of no more than 90 minutes endurance until he grows out of his car seat hate.

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Yes, as a kid, we drove 15 hr east to visit grandparents almost every summer. Or we would drive 12 hr west to the coast.


With our own dc, we drove 6 days west to visit grandparents 2 different times, and 1 time we met up halfway.  We've also driven 9 hr to the east coast several times to meet up with dh's relatives.


We've slowed down a lot on the really long trips the last few years. It's pretty expensive and we're using more money on activities throughout the school year. Also, the dc are starting to work during the summers, so travelling isn't as easy.



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Saturday I'll be doing a day trip by myself. Technically it's for work, but still. have to get up early in the morning and leave by 0500.

Drive two hours to destination to set up. Work until 2. Then drive home. While I'm up there, though, since it's cooler, I might just savor it a bit

before heading home.


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I'm late.  I had to take Fritz to swim team, Cameron to work, pick Fritz up from swim team, and pick Cameron up from work this morning and just driving wore me out.


Long road trips: We went to Florida to my grandparents' house every other summer for two weeks and every other Christmas for a week.  We lived in MD so it was a 16-18 hour drive.  We always drove.  We also did shorter trips to Luray Caverns and Shenandoah and Williamsburg.  We went to Niagara Falls once, too.


With my family: No.


Day trips: We've done tons of day trips.  When we lived in MD there were all sorts of places within an hour or so.  Same with here.

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