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Accountability Thread: 6/4-6/10

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Welcome to a new week of summer accountability. I was sick last night; I'm still sick this morning, and my plans for today include sipping ginger ale, eating toast, and staying mostly in the bed. The boys have tomorrow off of school for a doctor's appointment and shots. So no school planning today unless I make a miraculous recovery by late morning. 

I do plan to do some cooking this afternoon if I get to feeling better.

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(Deep breath) Okay, I think I'm ready to be accountable again. :eek:


I've been so overwhelmed the last several months with dh's ongoing mystery health issues, resulting lack of income, and getting evaluations and OT started for dd. I just squeezed lessons in between the chaos and any plan or routine was out the window. Things haven't really calmed down but they have been going on so long, they feel normal now. We have a busy summer ahead of us and have to do summer school, too since we got behind with endless doctors appointments and medical tests.


So here is my school plan for today:

-reading practice with ds. He is reading me Mouse Soup right now.

-I read aloud to ds. We are working through Little House in the Big Woods.

-dd reads aloud a chapter of one of her books to us.

-Spelling lesson, grammar lesson, and multiplication practice for dd, but all done very simply. We can power through these in just under an hour.

-We've taken to watching a science or history documentary during lunch, which has led to lots of great rabbit trails so I've definitely been counting and recording this time to help me reach our hours.

-piano practice for dd

-pool time after toddler's nap

-swimming lesson sign ups while we are there.


My non school to do list:

-get dinner going in the crockpot

-schedule treatment appointment for dh

-call another practitioner to see what dates his mobile treatment group will be in our area and get that scheduled

-1-2 loads of laundry

-day 1 of trying a new weekly house keeping schedule.


New weekly house cleaning schedule:

Mondays: kitchen and upstairs bedrooms

Tuesdays: school room and downstairs bedroom

Wednesdays: 3 entries and garage

Thursdays: outdoors and car

Fridays: living room and 2 bathrooms


I am so excited to try this! I hope it works. I am sick of always feeling behind with the housework.


Critter, I hope you feel better quickly! :grouphug:

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:grouphug: MrsRobinson. 

I'm feeling better. A little subdued still, and I spent most of yesterday asleep, I think. I'm getting around and getting a few things done. We had an appointment for the boys to get an immunization, but the nurse called me this morning and said they were not needing the shot, but I just looked again, and it was a different shot, so I'm still up in the air until they call me back on that.

Other than that, I plan to get some housekeeping done today and write. I'll probably cook this evening as long as I feel well enough.

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MrsRobinson, glad you're back with us!


Critter, glad yore feeling a bit better!


Our schedule for today is piano lesson, appointment for mom and working on getting the buffet cleaned out and off so I can put my books on it. hopefully, I can get it done in two days.

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Good morning! We are up early today (for us) to go to a couple of appointments. Lessons will have to wait for this afternoon. We also have our activities out after dinner so I really have to be on the ball today.


Shortened school day to do list:

-read another story for Mouse Soup with ds.

-read ds another chapter of Little House in the Big Woods

-dd read alouds

-dd spelling practice

-dd grammar page

-dd multiplication practice

-dd piano practice


Non school to do list:

-5 loads laundry :svengo:

-start slow cooker (this has become my good friend on super busy days)

-2 morning appointments

-clean school room, downstairs bedroom, and the one upstairs bedroom I didn't get to yesterday

-evening out activities


I did pretty good yesterday on my first day. I just missed one upstairs bedroom which I think was just because dh was home. Sometimes co-parenting takes longer and there is more talking and coordinating. That was the only thing I noticed that slowed me down. He's going to be here all week so I'm going to have to get used to it! :laugh:


Have a good day everyone!

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MrsRobinson- :hurray: you did have a great first day!


Today our schedule consists of picking up some groceries and finishing the buffet.  I got it cleaned off, now I just need to get the paper shredded and ready for the recycle bin.  Don't know what i'm doing for dinner today but I must make something, anyone have any ideas? 

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Today's schedule:

Latin-continue lesson 15, review grammar

Math-Lesson 9

Poetry-Onomatopoeia, half lesson

Science-reading in assigned books

Art-prepare drawings for Thursday's painting


For me: Latin, Geometry, Writing, Housekeeping, Writers' Meeting tonight.

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Good morning! Yesterday did not go according to plan. :glare: We got through our morning appointments and lunch out but then ds started vomiting when we got home. Poor guy.


My kids are pretty needy when they are sick, so instead of school work and housework I was cuddling and comforting. We did all our various reading practice and read alouds and dd practiced piano but that's it.


Oh well, today is another day and we'll see what we get done.


Today's tentative school list:

-read a chapter of Little House in the Big Woods to ds

-read alouds with dd

-Spelling practice from yesterday plus today's final test

-yesterday's and today's grammar lessons

-multiplication practice

-piano practice


Non school to do list:

-catch up from yesterday's chaos (mainly the living room, kitchen, and fold and put away yesterday's 5 loads of laundry)

-clean 3 entries

-clean garage

-make weekly menu and shopping list

-drop off recycling

-take dd and toddler to park day with hs friends

-dd piano lesson

-weekly grocery shopping


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning. Today's schedule:

Extended chores-done (but have to do it all again this evening)

Latin-continue lesson 15, review vocabulary


Literature-reading, notes, comprehension questions




For me-Latin, Geometry, Writing, Housekeeping, cooking (and the bulk of the extended chores go to me). 

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:rant: At some point today I need to look ahead to the month of July and figure out what I want my goal to be for Camp NaNo in July. I want to finish all the editing by the end of this month and take July to work on the sequel to the novel I'm editing. But I've got to figure out what days I'm working, what I want to do with chores, school and life in general. I'm not exactly superstitious, but I've noticed that every time I try to make a concerted effort to be productively creative, I have one or more fires that start up to hinder me. It's happened every time I take a month to focus on my own projects and goals. 

This time I want to be ready for it, so it can't hamstring me. I've made my goals every time, but only by exceeding my goals before life derails me. I'm just a little tired of that happening to tell you the truth.


Okay. I'm done whining about how Moms never get the opportunity to do what they want with their lives. I'm going to self-medicate with chocolate and caffeine and try to dig up a more positive attitude to wear. I'm pretty sure I've got one stuffed in a drawer somewhere. :001_smile:

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Didn't get a chance to post this morning so I'll post what we actually got done. Ds had his braces put on and his headgear fitted and we spent the afternoon at the water park with friends. Heading out in a bit to hang with another friend since there's no midweek service this week.

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Good morning. 

Today's schedule:

Latin-verb conjugation practice

Math-Lesson 11

Poetry-Onomatopoeia, finish lesson

Science-reading in assigned books

Art-work on projects from last week


For me: Extended chores morning/evening, Latin, Geometry, Writing, Art, light housekeeping and maybe some cooking if I get around to it.

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Yesterday we got the whole school list done. All that got checked off the non school list was drop off recycling, park day, and piano lessons. The house and the laundry are still in chaos. But what I have been repeating over and over again this morning as I wade through the chaos is "the whole school list got done! The whole school list got done! It's okay! The whole school list got done!" :lol:


Today's school list:

-ds choose and start new reader

-read another chapter of Little House in the Big Woods

-dd read alouds (done)

-dd spelling practice another day on the same lesson. The final test yesterday didn't go well and we did some extra practice then, too. I'm with dd, dropping the ending to add a suffix is hard! :D

-grammar lesson

-multiplication practice. Moving on to the 7's today!

-no history or science again today due to OT. I'm finally accepting the reality of what can be done in a day, school-wise, and if there is something out of the house like piano or OT or swimming lessons, science and history have to get dropped. But that's ok because we have plenty of days at home in which we spend and hour or more in each subject exploring and playing with fun topics. I might have the above explanation on repeat in my head, too! ;)


Non school to do list:

-make menu and grocery list that didn't get done yesterday

-dd OT appointment

-grocery shopping that didn't get done yesterday

-fold and put away 5 loads of laundry that have been sitting for 2 days now :cursing:

-clean home exterior spaces and car (done! :hurray: )


Critter: I 100% sympathize with your "mom's never get to do what they want" rant! Sometimes I don't care and other times I'm pretty irritated about it. I hope my children can learn to pay it forward with some selflessness in their own adult lives. Some days that feels really far away, though.


Mama25angels: how does your ds feel about his braces? And headgear?! Ack! Poor guy! Dd has had hers on for a year now. She loves the extra attention she gets but hates the added brushing and maintenance. She gets her palate expander out next month!


Have a great day everyone!

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MrsRobinson-yay for getting the school list done!!

He's ok with it but he won't let me take any pictures. I do think he's feeling a little self conscious about it.  Not much going today, appointment at eye doctor for bigger boy and back home because he's sick.  Dh is freaking out because he's hurting in his neck, he worried it could be meningitis so, i'm watching him closely.

Edited by mama25angels
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Critter: I 100% sympathize with your "mom's never get to do what they want" rant! Sometimes I don't care and other times I'm pretty irritated about it. I hope my children can learn to pay it forward with some selflessness in their own adult lives. Some days that feels really far away, though.

I actually do get to do a lot of what I want. I made it a priority some time ago, because I realized that if I didn't make time to write, to read, and to relax in some fashion, I wasn't going to be much good to anybody. Most of the time I'm pretty happy with the balance I've got--it's pretty good. But now and again I get in a snit and have to rant for a while until I remember that I've got it pretty good, honestly. :001_smile:

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Good morning. 

Today's schedule:

Extended chores--probably for the foreseeable future (I have a sick chicken to add to the morning and evening list)


School if I'm not wiped out after the errands


Math-lesson 13, I think

Literature-finish up Cp 3 work




For me: Extended chores, writing, nap, cooking if I'm not dead. I have a cold, and I just don't feel good.

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:grouphug:  Critter, it's so hard trying to get stuff done when you don't feel well, I hope you get better soon.


Going to our HS groups End of Year Bash if the rain stops, and that's about it for today.  We were going to build a fire in the firepit this evening but it looks like it might get rained out as well.  There's only 4 of us home so we'll do an easy dinner and probably watch movies.

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We slept until 9:50 this morning!!!! The toddler has been keeping me up at night all week and I finally got a bit of a break to catch up on some sleep. I was shocked he slept that late!


So I made the executive decision to ditch school work since it was so late and reorganize the school room instead since it's something I've been wanting to do for weeks now. We got everything dusted, vacuumed, and categorized. Finishing up a late lunch now and I'll head back in to decide how to set up the shelves and what new shelves I want. I think I'm going to get some workbox rolling carts. The ones with the multicolored drawers. I'd like to get one with the bigger drawers too, if I can find it.


Ds still wanted to read to me this morning and he wanted to hear Little House in the Big Woods. Dd did her piano practice, OT homework, and she'll read to herself before bed. So I still get to count some school time today. Not doing anything else today except movie night with the kids.


Critter - sorry you're not feeling well. Take good care of yourself. :grouphug:


Mama25angels- I hope your hs party doesn't get rained out! My kids would be so bummed!

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