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Reading... what would you do?


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My daughter has been a reluctant reader thus far.  But she's really taking off.  I've been having her read aloud to me every day (ish) for about 15 minutes and this has really improved her skills.  We've finished the reading list we were using (HOD Emerging Readers appendix) and she's really gained confidence.  The other evening she was having trouble falling asleep and I told her she could read a little in bed and just to turn off her light when she got sleepy.  90 minutes later (or so) she emerged from her room, wide awake and proud that she had just read an entire Magic Treehouse book (for her this is a big deal!)!!  I asked her a few questions to see if she had in fact really read the entire thing and she had!! 


All that said, she's been reading in bed every evening and she's really enjoying it.  What I came here to ask all you wise women is what to do with her now?  Should I continue to have her read aloud to me daily or should I just check up on what she's been reading on her own?  And if I should have her read aloud to me, do you have any books you'd recommend?  She definitely prefers fairy and magic-type books but I liked that with the HOD Emerging Readers list she got a very varied list of reading materials, thus broadening her skills and knowledge.  She actually very much liked the Christian Liberty Nature Reader and has asked to read more of those which we will definitely be doing.  But I'm looking for other ideas and any opinions on the reading aloud vs to herself debate.  Thanks!!!!

Edited by smarson
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That's wonderful! I love the extended bedtime trick.


Has she gotten into any of the Rainbow Magic books yet? Those might be up her alley.


She should definitely continue reading aloud-- if she is reluctant to read aloud to you, my oldest daughter was usually willing to read aloud to her younger siblings. Or we took turns reading pages, or we would read a book like the Magic School Bus that has different dialogue/text boxes, and it would be my job to read most of the book, but she'd have to read the text boxes, or the different voices talking.

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My newer reader LOVES tandem reading with me. We take turns, page by page, in a chapter book. She likes the together time and it's less exhausting than always tackling a book on her own. That's a nice way to keep having them read aloud to you without it being a chore.

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Yes, read aloud. But also, find time to read together.  We often read as a family and take turns reading passages, aside from them doing independent reading. 


There are many good fairy tale renditions out there.  "Treasury of Children's Literature" is a good selection of fairy tales, poems and American stories.  But pick those with a happy ending first if she is easily bothered by sad stories. 


Does she like poetry?  A.A. Milne and Robert L. Stevenson are some favorites.  Good to expose kids to beautiful language early!

Edited by bluejay
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My 8 yr old DD is loving The Kingdom of Wrenly series (castles, dragons, adventure, etc.) and also has liked The Princess in Black series. When my now 13 yo was that age he loved the Bruce Coville series Mongooble and Me (wizards, adventures, magic, etc).

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Thank you so much!!  The ideas are wonderful and I appreciate the advice.  I love reading with her and she enjoys reading with me too.  She's just been not so interested in reading so now that she's actually interested, I want to capitalize on that.  You know? :)


Yes, she does like the Rainbow Magic books and up until recently, she'd prefer someone to read them to her.  I'm not a huge fan but if they'll get her reading, I'm all for it! :)  She LOVED the Princess in Black series.  The Wrenly books look right up her alley.  Thanks!!!!

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