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Frugalistas May 14- 20th


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Start of a new week


How is spending and saving going for you?




Ok a house down the street went on the market and had an offer instantly.  I am thinking we should spend the $ to redo things and have our house listed.   This is amazing for me because we have been underwater for so long.  I want to see what this house sells for so badly.   


Thing is I really don't think we can live in our house when we sell.    Has anyone ever not lived at their house while they sold?   What did you do? 


I am thinking we could move our stuff to storage and travel. 


Rent a house/aprt


Buy land and build


Buy another house and move into that and then sell.  Although I am concerned about what if our house didn't sell. 


Other ideas? 

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This has once again been a spendy week but I still put a bit into savings so I'm good with the spending.


I think we've decided that we are going to figure out our job situation before putting the house on the market. We can't really sell the house if we don't know where we need to live. In the meantime we will be slowly making the repairs on the house that need to get done. It is all going on a credit card that is 0% for 21 months so we'll be great since we'll use a small amount of equity from the sale to pay off that balance.


I made roughly 150 pet sitting this week and that went right into savings. Today will be another spendy day because we have to get a 2 bday gifts and a mother's day gift. After today we are buckling down with the spending and only spending on essentials until our family vacation at the end of June.

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This has once again been a spendy week but I still put a bit into savings so I'm good with the spending.


I think we've decided that we are going to figure out our job situation before putting the house on the market. We can't really sell the house if we don't know where we need to live. In the meantime we will be slowly making the repairs on the house that need to get done. It is all going on a credit card that is 0% for 21 months so we'll be great since we'll use a small amount of equity from the sale to pay off that balance.


I made roughly 150 pet sitting this week and that went right into savings. Today will be another spendy day because we have to get a 2 bday gifts and a mother's day gift. After today we are buckling down with the spending and only spending on essentials until our family vacation at the end of June.



Oh that is smart.    I hadn't thought of that.  What card is that? 


I was just going to do a few spends on travel cards.  

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Well, I am not planning on buying a violin this week, so there's a start. ;)


Actually, I sold one on eBay which I'll be sending off tomorrow. I've been hanging on to it for years, hoping to eventually be able to afford the repair it needs, but I'm trying to declutter.


To that end, I think I may have found a home for my other extraneous violin. I found out the other day that a young lady in my Shakespeare group would LOVE to learn to play. An instrument/lessons are not on the table for her family, though. I asked if she would want to trade babysitting for lessons, and she was super excited about the idea. My old violin just needs an inexpensive repair (having the fingerboard glued beck on), so I thought maybe I'd offer to give it to her for the cost of the repair.


Otherwise, I've been pretty frugal in general. Except that I spent some money on some thrift store clothes and some craft store items for costumes for our Shakespeare play. We have less than three weeks to go until our first performance. Yikes!

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I see decluttering as part of this, a way to reclaim my house and be happier there, and less likely to spend money.

So yesterday I went through a bunch of stuff that has been sitting on an obscure shelf.  Ugh, so embarrassing.  Jumpstart CD's for my almost 21 year old that I had unaccountably failed to get rid of years ago.


I'm tempted to throw them out, but have them bagged up to donate to the local thrift store, in case someone needs this stuff for almost free. 


In other news, DH is in the Midwest for two weeks to help out his very frail and elderly mother.  He was unable to nail down whether he gets paid his entire salary during his absence, but it doesn't seem like it to me.  So the first of the month is going to be...interesting.  But we are fine.

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