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High School Calculus - Saxon & alternatives

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My DD is fairly set on continuing to use Saxon for Calculus this year. She has used Saxon since she started Algebra and it's familiar, but she used having Teaching Tape or Art Reed provide instruction. The problem is this still leaves her relying on me to provide help when she has difficulty (and I'm already feeling out my depth with Adv. Math). Is there a good, affordable, online program for Saxon Calculus that will allow her more independence? Is there a better math text that offers solid instruction that might build I'm a fashion similar to Saxon?

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My DD is fairly set on continuing to use Saxon for Calculus this year. She has used Saxon since she started Algebra and it's familiar, but she used having Teaching Tape or Art Reed provide instruction. The problem is this still leaves her relying on me to provide help when she has difficulty (and I'm already feeling out my depth with Adv. Math). Is there a good, affordable, online program for Saxon Calculus that will allow her more independence? Is there a better math text that offers solid instruction that might build I'm a fashion similar to Saxon?


I don't know anything about Saxon Calculus, but if you use a Larson textbook, you can have access to all of the odd solutions from the textbook for free at CalcChat.


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How can a calculus program not be secular??? It's just math, for heaven's sake!


I think it's more that DIVE in general is not secular and one could expect incidental and occasional references, particularly with respect to word problems. I'd also be quite interested in their coverage of radioactive decay and similar topics, which we usually did as an application of natural logarithms. 

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