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Iew video lengths


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I am considering iew for 4th grade but I am a bit concerned about the length of the videos. I looked at the sample materials for SWI-A and the video lengths for the lessons are 45 and 55 minutes long. That seems quite long for a 9 year old. Has anyone found it hard to get your children to watch such long videos?

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My kids did SWI-A when they were in 5th & 3rd grades and I don't remember the length of the videos being an issue.   Mr. Pudewa was pretty engaging.   We did schedule things so that the only thing they did for writing on that particular day was watch the video, then they did the actual writing assignment the following day(s).   Maybe that's why they enjoyed watching the videos!


I did watch most of the videos with them so I'd understand the goals of each lesson and assignment.

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