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World History w/ American History focus


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My girls will be 11 and 13 for the coming school year and we have never done formal American History. Oops! We are finishing up Medieval this year with famous explorers. So as I think about next year, I know I want to focus mainly on American history while not ignoring what was going on in the rest of the world. What are your favorite resources for pulling this off in the logic stage?


We have SOTW3 and Human Odyssey Vol.2. But I am not committed to either one.

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Are you interested in doing World Hisotry or just American History? SOTW3 covers more than US History. Trail Guide to Learning is a great curriculum for US History. Another fun way to do it is to print a timeline of US history from a reputable site and choose a few great books for each event. I find that to be so fun and liberating. There is an amazing array of fantastic American History books for every event imaginable. I also love American History Stories. There are four volumes and they are great. Also American History Stories you Never Read in School volumes 1 and 2 are great too as a supplement.

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My girls will be 11 and 13 for the coming school year and we have never done formal American History. Oops! We are finishing up Medieval this year with famous explorers. So as I think about next year, I know I want to focus mainly on American history while not ignoring what was going on in the rest of the world. What are your favorite resources for pulling this off in the logic stage?


We have SOTW3 and Human Odyssey Vol.2. But I am not committed to either one.

The Genevieve Foster books starting with The World of Captain John Smith, George Washington's World, and Abraham Lincoln's World. If you hadn't finished explorers, I would say to start with The World of Columbus and Sons.

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The Genevieve Foster books starting with The World of Captain John Smith, George Washington's World, and Abraham Lincoln's World. If you hadn't finished explorers, I would say to start with The World of Columbus and Sons.

I have been looking at these and wondering how to incorporate them. Would they be stand alone or would I need another spine? Amazon doesn't give me a very good idea about the contents. Could/should we add some historical literature as well?

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I have been looking at these and wondering how to incorporate them. Would they be stand alone or would I need another spine? Amazon doesn't give me a very good idea about the contents. Could/should we add some historical literature as well?


They are perfect spines. Add in extra reading on the American history topics (since that's what you want to focus on) and you're good to go.

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