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Anyone know about math/computer science at CMU and/or Columbia?


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Ds is stressed.  And that is a rarity for him.  It is difficult to watch, even though I know he will be fine no matter his choice.


Choices are Carnegie Mellon and Columbia.  Very different schools.  He felt clear about it being CMU until admitted students weekend at Columbia. He was torn about The Core (which I would LOVE btw) until he found out that Engineering School students have a Core similar in requirements to CMU.


Major: Math, with the intention of double majoring in (theoretical) Computer Science.  


Goal: Artificial Intelligence Safety.


The students are different at each school.  CMU students seem more focused and driven in a certain direction. Columbia's students are more varied in their interests.  They seem to enjoy intellectual conversations about many things.  He likes that.  But CMU students, in general, are more like him.


DS is spending hours looking at research opportunities, professors and their fields of interests, courses etc etc etc.


His professor at UPenn told him that Columbia has added some new theoretical CS professors.  DS says that CMU has a number of teaching professors.  Is it enough to limit his research opportunities?


Do any of you have personal insight that may help make things clearer?


I told him that he is missing the human element.  He must reach out and talk to these professors.  But what do I know?  This is way out my league.


Feel free to PM me.

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I'm in California, and we know a bunch of smart CMU grads who work at start ups out here.  I don't know anyone from Columbia.  Plus, they do all that cool robotics.  CMU definitely seems to have a cool factor going for them.   When I think of Columbia, for some reason I think law school and expensive NYC housing.  


Pretty flaky impressions, but I would personally rank CMU much higher than Columbia for those reasons.   

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It sounds like his gut has been to go with CMU, but then he saw some things he liked about Columbia and is struggling with the idea of giving those things up, rather than having been disappointed with CMU. I would tell him to go with his original gut feeling and not be swayed by his impressions during a brief visit. I have no doubt that he can find people at CMU with diverse interests who want to have deep intellectual conversations with him. Plus Luis von Ahn is at CMU! He's such a passionate, innovative, inspirational guy — if I were a student interested in AI I would jump at the chance to take classes or do research with him. 

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Thank you both!  His gut has been CMU.  And just a little bit ago, he said that he is leaning that way.


I told him to do what I always do - live with the decision for a few days.  Then, his 13 year old sister wrote on his white board - "Congrats!  CMU!!"


After which she told him he should go to "the ivy league school."  When he asked why, she said, "Because ivies have the better reputation."  He just smiled.

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