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Suggestions from those who attended GHC

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Hi everyone!

I am leaving tomorrow for the Great Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati. For those who went to the one in Texas or SC, what speakers/sessions did you enjoy the most? (I know some are different but many the same) Or for those going this weekend, what do you have lined up?

Also - I have most of what I need academically worked out, though there are always surprise buys 😳 But I am hoping to just find something fun, different, inspiring or lovely to add to our agenda next year. No idea what. Anything new and fun you saw that I should look at? Last year, I found Raddish Crate and we've loved it. And I had never heard of it. Any suggestions?

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Cynthia Tobias was probably my overall favorite speaker. My dh even enjoyed those. I also always enjoy Andrew Pudewa (even though I had heard the talks before, I still went). The Classical panel discussion was awesome. If I could recommend only one, that would be it. Perrin and Kern were also good in a lofty ideals way. Oh and Ed Zaccaro was good AND helpful with all of my math angst for one of my kids.


Ones I didn't enjoy as much as I had hoped were Brandy Vencel and Jay Wile, although Jay was great to ask questions to at the end. Martin Cothran left me a bit confused for 2/3 of his talk, but I did at least get something out of it. That probably says more about me than him though. :)


My surprise buy was Homeschool in the Woods. I had just read a review the previous week and sought them out, so it wasn't a surprise but I also hadnt planned to buy much if anything. I spent an embarrassing amount of money at their booth.


ETA- have a great trip! It's a wonderful conference.

Edited by texasmom33
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Andrew Pudewa's session on competent communicators was a favorite here, and it inspired DH to start family read aloud time. Teaching the Classics was another favorite of mine. All MCT's sessions I attended were helpful and inspiring, but I'd had my eye on his curriculum for awhile so was very curious to hear him speak.

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Did Anthony Esolen speak at your conference? I am wondering if those were worth hearing. I liked his book "Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child."


Did anyone go to Professor Carol's talks? I have only heard her as part of one of the Classical Panels.


Unfortunately Pudewa is not at Midwest this year (or last). He will be there next year. 

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