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Am I being childish- please advise me...

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We have a boy in our neighborhood who is very difficult. He is pushy, bossy, and a general know it all. All the kids that gather to play cringe when he comes outside. Of course he's homeschooled. :glare: I have counseled my boys that they should treat him respectfully, even if he is annoying- which, honestly, he is A LOT! I tell my boys to walk away or come inside, and they do.


My boys have a friend across the street who never walks away and he is frequently fighting with this kid.


Last week there was a big blow up and the annoying boy started to cry. This moved my boys with compassion and they talked with the homeschooled kid about how to play nicely and if would just follow those rules he could stay and play. This alienated their friend across the street and he told my boys not to come and ring his doorbell anymore. My boys were stunned and frustrated.


Today is my second oldest's birthday party and he went and invited the boy across the street to come for dinner before hand. We are having just a few closer friends for burgers. He said he would but he is still giving my oldest son the cold shoulder and shunning playing with him. My oldest son says he doesn't mind because its his brothers choice.


I want to disinvite him. If he can't treat both boys decently then I don't want him in my home. I don't need the tension.


Am I being childish?



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I would feel just as you do! But I do think that your sons are being even more adult than we are. I wouldn't disinvite him. And I would pray that the tension would thaw in the face of your sons' compassion and friendship to all (including the difficult boy and the boy across the street). But if he is out-right rude or mean I would ask him to go home.

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I understand.:grouphug: It would be tempting to uninvite him (or give him a gentle kick in the rear), but as long as he behaves and respects your house rules I'd allow him to attend.


PS...My house rule is that we treat one another with respect and kindness or love if it's family. I give visitors a warning and then follow through with an eviction when necessary.

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