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I feel like and infomercial - but I have to tell about Times Tales!!!


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Seriously - I LOVE this product!!! The website said your kids would learn their times tables in two 45 minute sessions - and mine did - like a champ with nearly no review needed. It's unreal. My DD, 7, is in the end of Horizon's 2 - and now a page of math takes about 20 minutes (vice writing out number lines, etc. for the times tables). They learn a story with numbers as characters in the story, and the equations STICK. It's amazing. I will be writing the company also - but if your kids are struggling with the tables - buy this. And no - I am not a paid advertiser - just a mom who seriously thinks this is one of the very best products out there!!

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I know !!!!! I wanted to make this very same post about Times Tales. It is super-amazing-fast-easy-painless way to learn mulitiplication!!!!!


TimesTales worked for my ds because it uses the same "characters" in the stories. Each number is assigned a character symbol, for example, 3 is a butterfly and 3 is the butterfly in every story. The number characters interact with other number characters to make up the stories.

Edited by langfam
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