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Looking for writing to supplement CLE LA?


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I have done CLE LA with my 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders this year and it has gone so well!  I'm amazed at how much they have learned and how the mechanics of their writing has improved as a result.  CLE is however very weak in teaching writing and I'd love some ideas of how to supplement that. I am thinking that I will likely alternate CLE LA with a writing program or assignments, but would love input on what to use or how to do that.  I'm open to thoughts of either a program that teaches writing or a philosophy of how to use what we are already doing (thinking our reading in Sonlight history, reading, or science) to improve their writing.  I'm having a hard time figuring out which way I want to go with this!  I used writing and rhetoric for half of this year, but we really didn't enjoy staying on the same topic of fables for so long.  Now I'm just assigning little assignments to go with SL topics we are reading, but I feel like I'm struggling with how to improve their writing once they've written something that maybe isn't all that great. :)


Thanks for any input!

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Well, my favorite for your ages is IEW.


Another choice would be using a used Write Source book:



The link is the fourth grade one, which could be used for all your children.  You could even use the third grade one.  Honestly, I have them all and there is not much difference.


My friend, who uses CLE, uses IEW sometimes and one year used Daily 6-trait writing.


Organically, you could just use their writing and plan mini-lessons.  Are their paragraphs weak? Why?  Teach them how to use graphic organizers. https://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/ Work through writing paragraphs: Topic sentence, at least 3 supporting sentences, clincher. Do this until it is easy for them.

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So I have done Rod and Staff English, but I'm switching my boys to CLE Language Arts next year.  We did W&R for one  year and it was fine but I never really found my groove with it.  So next year I am planning to use Killgallon (either sentence or paragraph composing) to supplement with my fifth grader.  My sixth grader is going to use Maxwell's school composition.   Other than that I will continue to have them write one paragraph summaries most day of something they have read.

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I was looking at that but honestly I'm so confused!  What would I need to buy?

Thank you also for your other suggestions.  I will look into them.


For your kids I would buy the Student Writing Intensive A.  Andrew would teach your children on DVD.  You could watch along and learn the method.  If your third grader weren't ready for the assignments, you could use sources at his level.


Ideally, if you know anyone who as the Parent teaching series Teaching Writing With Structure and Style or can afford to buy it, you could watch that, then you could use one of the theme books.  It would give you a framework for feeling confident about teaching writing.


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