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What I learned today.

Night Elf

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My dachshund has been on a diet for about 5 weeks now, I think. I weighed him Week 3, Week 4, and Week 5. He's yo-yo'ing in his weight. I was so upset this morning when it looked like he had gained all his weight back. I took him to the vet and asked if they would weigh him, thinking their scale might be different than mine. It sure was! He's lost almost a pound in 5 weeks. The vet was pleased and said we were doing a good job. She also told me that people bathroom scales aren't good for weighing small dogs. They aren't calibrated for small weights, whereas their scale is calibrated right. So I was all upset about nothing. She thinks the absence of all table food is a big help. It's so hard for me though. He gives me the sad eyes when I'm eating and not sharing with him. The only snack I give him a bite of now is a rice cake when I eat them in the afternoon. The vet said that was fine.

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I don't know if this will  help but when we weigh our small animals we first weigh ourselves and then weigh ourselves holding the animal. Then it's just a matter of subtraction to find out their weight.


That's what I did but it was different every time I'd weigh him. 17.0, 16.4, back to 17. That was when I flipped my lid and took him to the vet. There he weighed 16. He has his next chiropractic visit in about 3 weeks so we'll weigh him again then. He has to be at the lower end of his range because of his back. He's already had a couple of back issues, hence the chiro visits. We're trying to prevent him from getting anything more serious.

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