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IEW ESS vs Lost Tools of Writing Level 1?

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Has anyone here used either program that can share their opinions/reviews?  My son has done IEW since 6th grade. Writing does not come easy to him, but he's been able to do much better with IEW. I heard about Lost Tools and I was intrigued. He'll be in 10th grade this fall!  Thanks!


This is the info I have on ESS class.




ï‚· Essay Writing with Structure and Style, Student Book 

ï‚· Blue Book of Grammar, eleventh edition 


"Objective: A two-semester course that teaches students the components of all kinds of essays,"

"practicing them with the main essay types"
"Course covers:"
"ï‚· Exercises and work on components of essays"
"o Essay classification"
"o Key word outlines"
"o Thesis statements"
"o Topic sentences"
"o TRIAC structural model for body paragraphs"
"o Topic-clincher rule"
"o Transitions and transitional clincher-topics"
"o Introductions"
"o Conclusions"
"o Style: Dress-ups, sentence openers, and decorations"
"ï‚· Full-length essays"
"o Description"
"o Narrative cause and effect"
"o Exposition: comparison and contrast using literary analysis"
"o Argumentation with research and documentation, MLA style"
"o Persuasion with research and documentation, MLA style"
"ï‚· Grammar"
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My son did IEW for Grade 7 and is doing Lost Tools of Writing Level 1 (Coram Deo Tutorials) for Grade 8.  My son is a natural writer but I think he likes Lost Tools better.  I like how Jessica teaches it at Coram Deo Tutorials.  She used to teach IEW and changed to Lost Tools.  You could send her an e-mail.  She is very responsive to e-mails.   http://www.coramdeotutorials.com/

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My ds struggles with writing and used IEW successfully for a number of years. I put him in the online LTOW level 1 class in 10th grade because, from the description of the program, it sounded like exactly what he needed. IMO, the LTOW teacher cared only about the structure of the essay and nothing about the content. People say IEW is formulaic, but the LTOW takes that to a whole new level, IMO. The essays my son wrote for that class were complete nonsense and nothing I would ever let him hand in for any other class. However, the brainstorming process LTOW uses was very helpful to him, and when he uses that process to start a paper, he writes a much stronger paper. In hindsight, I wish we would have stayed with IEW and I could have spent some time helping him implement the LTOW brainstorming process in his papers. I felt like the LTOW class was a wasted year for him.

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