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I'm looking to enrol my son, who is 12, into CLRC's Intro to Lit and Writing starting in September.


Do you think that Frankenstein is appropriate for a not overly sensitive 12 year old boy? He much prefers reading non-fiction and I'm worried that this book might be to mature/difficult. 


He is currently reading "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" - to give you an idea of his current comfortable reading level.

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My son, who was 12 at the time, was enrolled in CLRC's Intro to Lit and Composition. He read Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Chosen, and other books. We felt the literature selections were excellent. (I recall some parents were upset by To Kill a Mockingbird...) If your son is not overly sensitive, I believe he will enjoy the books and the discussions. My son did.

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My son, who was 12 at the time, was enrolled in CLRC's Intro to Lit and Composition. He read Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Chosen, and other books. We felt the literature selections were excellent. (I recall some parents were upset by To Kill a Mockingbird...) If your son is not overly sensitive, I believe he will enjoy the books and the discussions. My son did.

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I love Frankenstein as a great work of literature. think it would be fine. I don't know that a 12 yr old will get the same meaning of its underlying messages that an older person does, but I wouldn't have an issue with a 12 yr old reading it. (My personal hope would be that they like it enough to revisit when they are older, even in adulthood.)

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