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If you've tried 21 Day Fix could you share your experience / feedback?


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I've done a few Whole30's and am having a hard time getting motivated to do another one.  There are about 10 pounds that have crept on and I really want to get rid of them - this would put me back at my ideal / lowest adult weight.  I think 21 Day Fix may help me with portion control / snacking that is "compliant" but not necessary if that makes sense.  But, I am happy with my running routine and don't want to sideline that completely for the videos that come with the program.  So, if you've taken the plunge can you share your experience?  Can I keep a running routine (3 days a week about 15-20 miles total)?  Thanks!

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I've done two rounds of it recently (I am doing the Ultimate Reset program now.)


Basically it is a calorie counting/clean eating program, but they pre-figure the calories for you, in the form of allowed foods and portion sizes. I found it really easy to follow, because there is not much thinking involved, and I can pick the foods I like to fit in the various categories.


You use a formula to figure out the number of containers you need per day. I think if you are adding in running in addition to the videos, just figure the approximate calories burned for that sort of workout, and add in containers appropriately (I'm thinking you will need extra carbs.)


I purchased directly from the website, because I did not want to deal with a "coach", but they do offer to pair you with someone, so I suppose you could ask questions of that person if you like. Going by my FB friends list, those people selling Beachbody products don't tend to be much more experienced than I am, so I am a little skeptical about what advice might be offered ;-)


The workouts are nice, because they are just 30 minutes, so there is a low dread factor. I chose the Extreme version, and found them a bit tough. I was not in great shape, so your mileage may vary. There are some unique moves, so I enjoyed that.


I found I like the Shakeology too, though really only the chocolate one. I use ice, almond milk, spinach, and chia seeds in it.


Honestly, the Beachbody programs are expensive for what they are. But if you do best with a "plan" (I do), these are pretty good.


As far as results, I have avoided the scale on purpose, because I don't want to derail myself with numbers. But I am fitting into much smaller clothes. As you know, that last 10 lbs can take a while to lose, especially if you already had decent habits.

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Thanks, Gr8lander!  Question - can I follow it without doing the Shakeology shakes?  I was thinking if I ordered from Amazon, I could avoid some of the MLM aspect of it by not being linked with a "coach".  I would like to try it as anonymously as possible :)  I'm a little intimidated because I know one  person who said they couldn't walk for 4 days after the first video, but I need a "plan" like you mentioned :)

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Thanks, Gr8lander!  Question - can I follow it without doing the Shakeology shakes?  I was thinking if I ordered from Amazon, I could avoid some of the MLM aspect of it by not being linked with a "coach".  I would like to try it as anonymously as possible :)  I'm a little intimidated because I know one  person who said they couldn't walk for 4 days after the first video, but I need a "plan" like you mentioned :)


I don't do it but I have a friend who is a coach who posts liberally on FB so I think I've got a pretty good idea of the program components and how it works. ;) 



There are a ton of different video options to choose from, so you aren't stuck with one program. Additionally, there is now a streaming option where you can choose any video you want on any given day. 


The coaching option probably isn't a bad one. They make money on sales though, so keep that in mind. The online groups are for encouragment/accountability in doing your workout. They are optional. Actually, I think any of the components is optional. 


With your running, you may just want to do the portion control thing with the food---or choose a DVD you think you'd like and do that on days you don't run. Personally, I wouldn't do the Shakeology just because I believe in keeping food close to the way it comes packaged in nature. Too many studies in which  the vitamin (mineral, etc.) was beneficial when taken as packaged in nature (ie eating a whole fruit or vegetable) but when pulled out and isolated as a supplement was actually harmful. (Beta Carotene, Vit E, calcium off the top of my head).


Anyway, if you'd like, you can msg me and I'll ask my friend the coach any questions you have.

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I've done it and other Beachbody programs but I don't drink Shakeology. I use Vega One instead (available at Target) - but you could just as easily not use any kind of shake.


I really like the workouts. I'm not super coordinated and I found them easy to follow and effective.


I followed the eating plan loosely but found it difficult to calculate container usage when using recipes. I follow more of a Whole 30 approach instead and focus less on portion size. 


I'm not a coach but participate in an accountability group on Facebook with other Beachbody users. I did buy a couple of my programs from Amazon because I didn't want to be linked to a coach. Now, I have a great but low-pressure coach so I'm not concerned about it any more. 

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I've done it once.  I'm allergic to wheat so I can't do Shakeology (it contains wheat grass).


I liked the 21 day fix overall.  I think that it's a little odd in terms of portions - you get the same volume of beets (starchy, high in calories) as you do of broccoli (very low calorie).  Also homemade salsa and jarred salsa have drastically different portions for some reason that makes no sense to me. I get the weird control over volume vs calories if you're trying to shrink your stomach and avoid food bloat I guess, but it just seemed odd to me.  Depending on what choices you make you can vastly swing the amount of calories by 500 or more - which can make a huge difference in the course of a week.  By the end I switched to eating bigger portions of vegetables.  I also think it's too high in fat for me personally, but again, that's probably individual preference.


Also there are built in "cheats" like dark chocolate or a glass of wine that make it very realistic in terms of a long term plan that are nice.


The most valuable part to me was that several of my friends were doing it at the same time in a facebook group.  We logged everything in posts in the group, and the accountability made us stick to the plan.

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I did it and am getting ready to do it again.  I don't do the meal planning, honestly, I just love the workouts.  This is one of the Beachbody programs that seems to have the most extra support with plans for meal prep, extra moves to throw into the workouts, etc.  I follow 21-Day Fix on FB and there are plenty of blogs with additional encouragement and ways to make the eating plan easier, too.


My daughter did pretty well with the oddball food containers for her diet, though.  She liked that it wasn't super restrictive but almost wished she had 7 sets of containers (either the ones with the program or, more likely, ones that are the same size and cheaper) for her meal prep!  That would be SUPER helpful, IMO.


We did Shakeology and I really like it but am not doing it this time around.

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