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3D printing

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My son has been wanting to use a 3D printer for a very long time.  As we've been preparing for his science fair project on wind energy he found plans online for a wind turbine he would like to print and test.  How do you go about finding a 3D printer and what should we expect to pay to print something?

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My son has been wanting to use a 3D printer for a very long time. As we've been preparing for his science fair project on wind energy he found plans online for a wind turbine he would like to print and test. How do you go about finding a 3D printer and what should we expect to pay to print something?

Here, several libraries have them. And some larger colleges/universities have them in a dedicated maker space.


Here, both of those places let you print free for projects under two hours. After two hours there is a cost, though relatively small.

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