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R&S Math 1


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It's more exercises on what is taught in the main curriculum, but not necessarily just like the exercises in the workbook. 


For what it's worth, I found the teacher's manual and the student workbooks to be plenty for my kids of various math abilities.


eta: You can see samples at milestonebooks.com

Edited by SilverMoon
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Are the extra practice sheets useful?


Not that I can see. I guess if your student is struggling because of a lack of practice, you'll know you need them. Neither of my oldest ever did, though.

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I didn't buy them with either of my kids. The flannel board, flash cards, speed drills, games in the book, and workbook pages were plenty in all of the grades. One of mine has finished through grade 8 and is now in Algebra. One is almost done with the 6th grade book.  When I have wanted extra practice in anything we have used Kahn Academy and xtramath. org.

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Since Rod & Staff doesn't have a kindergarten level, some programs us R&S 1 for both K and 1st.  So the worksheets can be helpful in making it stretch two years.  We've done the curriculum straight through (not trying to make it last 2 years) and we've used some of the worksheets, but not many.  Some of them are helpful to have, such as the blank forms for the flash card drills, or fact houses, but they are not critical.  They also aren't very expensive though.  You certainly wouldn't need to have your child do the workbook and all the worksheets in one lesson. It would be more for a lesson one day, worksheets the next type thing, imo. 

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