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Toddler boy troubles

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My 18 month old ds keeps reaching down into his diaper and pulling his pee-pee up and then pees causing his clothes to get wet. I can't keep his hands out of his diaper. He even gets his hands into poop before I can get him changed. I've tried shirts that snap between the legs, but he reaches between his legs and get into his diaper sideways. I tried overhauls, but he reaches down the side of his overhauls and between his legs to get inside his diaper. The only thing he can wear and not get into his diaper is a one piece zip-up sleeper. I feel silly keeping him in PJ's all day long.

Anybody have and recommendations on how to keep his hands out of his diaper? Please:bigear:

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Or Duct tape. It's just a stage. Keep him out of his diapers for a while and he will figure out something else to do - it's not like he will have to wear jammies for ten years.


Apparently I would totally addicted to smearing my poop on things as a toddler. I assure you I grew out of it;)

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Ours wasn't urinating all over the place, but he's definitely a "naturalist". ;)


So we keep him in onesies. He'll pull off shorts, socks, and shoes, but he hasn't figured out the snaps...yet.



Onesies don't work for my ds. I tried.:glare: He gets his hand into his diaper between his legs and almost pulls the diaper off. A little Houdini.

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Is using duct tape a joke? I mean really? IS there a way to duct tape a diaper and keep his hands out or are you guy laughing at me right now? :confused:

put in in those zip up jammies or one piece outfits--backwards-- then he can't undo the snaps or zipppers. If he figures out the zippers apply a piece of duct tape to zipped up top.


Man, I thought we'd see it all here. You're having an adventure. Don't forget to document in the baby book (A.K.A. Future Fodder for Blackmail)


This to shall pass, this too shall pass, this too shall pass . . . (repeat as needed)

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I have the same problem right now with our almost 23 month old ds. For now, onesies with pants over them is working for him. He sure gets upset though when he can't figure out how to get his hands in there.


I would keep your little one in whatever works...if it's jammies for now, then do it, putting them on backwards if necessary.


Just wanted to let you know you are not alone. :grouphug:

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We are just finishing up going through this with dd24mths.


She would paint the walls if she had a bm at nap time.


We went through this in summer so I bought the zip up pajamas, cut out the feet, and arms. I also cut a little slit in the neck (the back of the pjs) to give a little more neck room. Then I turned them around. It worked great and she never got out of them. She would run around in her pjs in the house and then I would change her into traditional clothes when we went out and about.


It took a month or two to change her habits but since then she has been fine.


Now that it is cooler out, I would probably just cut out the feet (other wise they look uncomfortable to me) and leave the arms.




Good Luck!



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that will go over the pjs for when you go out. I think cotton zippers with overalls would be kind of cute! Check out the Hannah zippers for one or two nicer sets for outings.


And good luck. You have my sympathies. (My 3 year old only recently began to keep clothes on.):001_huh:

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For my oldest ds I had this problem. I found all in one outfits at Penney's and Gymboree. They work like the PJ's (minus the attached feet) only they look like day clothes. I even found ones with long pants and short sleeves for the summer. My ds dressed like this from about 18 mo. until almost 2, so for me it was worth the clothing investment.

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