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3rd grade curriculum. What do you think?


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I'm planning ahead for 3rd grade. This is what I have planned so far;


MUS gamma (We've used Math in Focus and are now using Horizons. I'm really hoping this one is a good fit! I thought about Teaching Textbooks, but I'm thinking MUS would be a better for my son.)



Daily 6 Trait Writing 3

All About Reading 4

English from the Roots up flashcards

Story of the World 2

Daily Geography 3

Exploring Creation; Botony

Mystery Science

Spelling~Not really sure what to do yet. We have done All About Spelling and are now doing Spelling Workout. I don't mind SW, but I think my son needs more practice. 


Do you have anything planned? Please share if you would like to.


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Looks like a full schedule!


This is what I am planning for next year:


morning time: religion, memory work, poetry, family read-alouds, etc.

handwriting: continue cursive practice with Zaner-Bloser 3

spelling: Spelling Workout C

grammar: First Language Lessons 3

math: Singapore Math (Common Core Ed) 3A/3B (textbook, workbook, challenging word problems, and extra practice books)

science: general introduction to chemistry (haven't chosen spine yet)

history: Story of the World 3

literature: Classical House of Learning Literature (grammar stage Early Modern) 


Narration, copy work, and dictation are spread throughout the subjects. We will also include as many board/card games as we can, and will try to add in piano & Spanish (Latin?). 

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I see math, grammar, writing/x2, reading, vocab, history, geography, science/x2, and spelling.


Horizons, MiF, and MUS are about as different as you can get from each other. I would try not to hop so much for a kid that struggles. (I'm guessing at the struggles since you're going down in challenge level. Maybe you just want a different format?) Personally I found it easier to tweak most programs to suit the kid rather than finding the magical right book for that kid, barring special needs/serious strugglers.


WWE and 6-Trait are also very different approaches. I'd decide which way you want to go and stick with it. Perhaps research where both of those methodologies are going in the long run. Fwiw, my boys balked enough at completing ONE writing book at that age.


Once my kids knew how to read fluently we didn't use a reading curriculum. We just read lots of high quality children's literature and talked about it.


I did EFTRU with my oldest two kids. It was our "gateway drug" to Latin. LOL Keep it short 'n sweet, but if the word parts thing isn't clicking just put it away for another year or two.


Just like writing, I'd pick which way you want to go for science and pour yourself into that one. You'll do a better job with that one and the schedule won't feel so full.


My hands down favorite spelling is Spelling by Sound and Structure from Rod and Staff. Once my kids complete the 6 book they are done with the subject of spelling.



If it helps, here's what my current third grader is using.

Grammar/writing: Treasured Conversations

Spelling: Rod and Staff 3

Literature: pile of high quality children's literature

Spanish: Duolingo app and Spanish for Children (latter with mom and half speed)

Math: Singapore 4 with IP/CWP

History: VP cards with SOTW melted in as a spine (nothing online)

Science: birds, birds, birds, and MORE birds. She cried when I said we should do something else for fourth grade. LOL This has been cobbled together with various resources and she's seriously studied just birds for all of third grade so far.


We don't do vocab. With my older kids I found it redundant to reading high quality literature and studying a romance language.



My son used Horizons in K and did very well. Then he went to public school for 1st and basically relearned everything he did for K. I really wanted MIF to work, but once we started, I realized that it was ahead of what he was doing in first. (It was also so very different than what I learned, which scared me away a bit. Maybe I should have let it go a bit longer?) We had Horizons on hand (I found it at Goodwill) so I just switched over to that. He does very well with Horizons, but I want something to help ME along more for when he get older. I'm not a mathy type of person, unfortunately, so I need something more helpful than the Horizons teacher's manual. We'll do Gamma fairly quick, I assume, and then go right to Delta. 


We also go through the school for funds. It's great, but I feel like we need to cover certain things. I LOVE WWE and FLL together, so wanted to keep them. Daily Trait writing was something extra to make sure he's getting another angle. We do it verbally most of the time. Then on Friday's, when he doesn't have WWE, we do the Daily Trait writing exercise. We are doing both now, and it seems to work well. If he had to write everything out for Daily Trait he would rebel, though, lol.


For science, I do need to follow a bit of the school's guidelines more closely. We did Apologia Astronomy and finished early, so we jumped into Mystery Science. We look at the guideline and fill in where we need to. The school lets us use whatever we want, but we do have to purchase our own religious curriculum. So far everything seems to be working out okay. I'll be looking into R&S spelling :) 

Thank you!

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Looks like a full schedule!


This is what I am planning for next year:


morning time: religion, memory work, poetry, family read-alouds, etc.

handwriting: continue cursive practice with Zaner-Bloser 3

spelling: Spelling Workout C

grammar: First Language Lessons 3

math: Singapore Math (Common Core Ed) 3A/3B (textbook, workbook, challenging word problems, and extra practice books)

science: general introduction to chemistry (haven't chosen spine yet)

history: Story of the World 3

literature: Classical House of Learning Literature (grammar stage Early Modern) 


Narration, copy work, and dictation are spread throughout the subjects. We will also include as many board/card games as we can, and will try to add in piano & Spanish (Latin?). 

We're doing something similar this year and it is a pretty full schedule. We do piano as well. I'm thinking we'll probably do the botany over summer (since that would work better) and Mystery Science during the school year. For English from the Root up we just do a couple of cards a week. It's very laid back. 


Thanks for sharing!

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Spelling~Not really sure what to do yet. We have done All About Spelling and are now doing Spelling Workout. I don't mind SW, but I think my son needs more practice. 


Was there a reason AAS wasn't working--that does have good practice and the ability to customize as much review as you need. 


Is there a way you can add on review with SWO since he needs more practice?

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