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Looking for audio book titles for dd16


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Some of these are titles that WTM posters have mentioned elsewhere, and we've gone on to listen to them :-)  

Here are a few titles my DD enjoyed, and for you to consider:

  • Mrs. Pollifax ~ Gilman   (series)       (mystery)        author is Unitarian, so the way she deals with a wide range of belief systems may not suit.  I had DD start with book 2, and skipped bk #8  
  • Cottage Tale of Beatrix Potter ~ Albert (series  (historical/mystery)         DD didn't enjoy Holly How or Cuckoo Brow that much - too focused on fairies are real
  • Hinds Feet in High Places ~ Hurnard  (history setting, christian allegory)
  • They Found Him Dead ~ Heyer    (english cosy/mystery)
  • Orient Express ~ Christie (mystery)                                 Her favourite A.G book
  • Little Dorrit (dramatised)  ~ Dickens         adding thes next 2 Dickens titles since they aren't an unabridged reading ;-)
  • David Copperfield (dramatised)  ~ Dickens
  • These Old Shades ~ Heyer    (historical)
  • The Reluctant Widow  ~ Heyer  (historical)


ETA: DD is 15

Edited by Tuesdays Child
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my dd is 15 and we really enjoyed Forbidden by Syrie James and The Raven Boys series by Maggie Stiefvater. We got them on audible. The Raven boys has really impressed us both with the quality of writing, we stop sometimes and exclaim over a description or phrase. They are both fantasy set in real life oriented, which my dd is really into. 

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