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Graduation Open Houses!!


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Please talk to me about these. Do you HAVE to do one for your grad? Does everybody do one? Is it a regional thing? Where I grew up, some kids had evening grad parties, but not a day thing when people drop by your home during designated hours of the day and you keep the food and all going. Around here, people stop by several grad open houses in a day.


Ds who has been dual enrolled at the p.s., has three things happening already: a grad ceremony and food reception put on by the homeschoolers in the region. It's an afternoon event with food and music during the ceremony, and there's time at the reception for friends to visit your table and display of all one's high school achievements.


He also will be taking part in the public school grad ceremony- a big event but all ceremony. Then, that night there is an all night chaperoned event that all the p.s. grads take part in.


After two ceremonies, a reception after one and an all night party...do you think a home open house is over doing it??? This grad also has a special trip in the summer. I don't want to. There's more than enough on our plates already with getting ready for college and other siblings.


Thanks and Happy New Year!

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Nope.  I've never been to one either.  


We did not for my oldest, per her request.  She didn't do a ceremony, nothing.  We took her out to dinner at a nice restaurant and that was it.  


My younger two want to walk in a ceremony, so we'll be doing that with a larger homeschool group.  They may want a small party with their friends, but I'm not even sure about that.  Their birthday is the same week, so we may just have a little bonfire or something and do it all at once.  



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I did it for our oldest, it was a lovely afternoon. But... I don't think it's necessary at all. I think it's just a lovely way to honor where a young person is at. I do think ceremonies give a certain amount of closure. I can't even tell you how good I felt when ds's Eagle Scout Ceremony was done. I think how important it is depends on whether the young person in question cares or not. And they may think they don't care, but some may regret not doing it later. 


In your case if you do have a graduation open house I would not do it the same day as the ceremony and all night event. That would be overkill no matter what. 

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Oldest one wanted a ceremony and then party so we did that. The next two did not want limelight, but did want to meet eith family and close friends so we held informal dinners. For this next one, he really does not want much. I am getting thr banquet room - the small one - at a local pizza place and having the grandmas, aunts and uncles, cousins and the few friends he would like to invite to the restaurant for pizzas, breadticks, and salads. Easy peasy for me, no cooking and planning, and likely not more expensive than this last one where I served pulled pork and trimmings for a little bit larger group.


Not a requirement. It does seem like a strong tradition here in the midwest/Great Lakes compared to other areas.

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