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Dog training/trainer forums?


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Looking for a place to brainstorm as I deal with having a new puppy for the first time in 6 years, and the first not brain damaged puppy I've had in 12 years. I used to teach training classes, but it can very much be a situation where the cobblers children have no shoes, so I'd love a place for feedback, learning, etc. I found some groups on Facebook and requested membership but so far no one has approved me for any of them. 


Anyone in any?  I use a clicker and other positive based reinforcement, so looking for groups with that perspective. 

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I've had that in my cart like three times, but haven't clicked buy. I guess I should, lol!


You know, she's not the best author, and I have her videos and she doesn't have the best TV presence, but really, there are some GREAT ideas in there. The Puppy book is better organized than the Original (I have both) and the trainers I have worked with just recommend the Puppy book to all aged dogs. I've got some tough dogs and I am really thankful to have found her and also trainers IRL that follow her methodology. 

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Oh, I just remembered, I also love Emily Larlham online - she recently (maybe a year ago) got a puppy and I believe she did a members only/paid FB page to show how she trained her and interact with people. Wish is the name of the puppy. Emily is kind of active on FB.

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