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Typing rec: the very best, evidence based typing program is Read, Write and Type! by talkingfingers.com


It's amazing. We limped along with spongebob and mavis beacon both of which were unimpressive.


Read, Write and Type is expensive :tongue_smilie:, logical, sequential, mastery based and also acts as a phonics, spelling and basic writing program. It's actually one of the evidence based dyslexia (encoding and decoding) interventions listed in Sally Shaywitz' book _Overcoming Dyslexia.


LD's aside though, it is the best typing program available for elementary students. My 10 yo nephew is using it and liking it. My16 yo nephew is using it, thinks it's a bit ridiculous (ie juvenile) but it's done for his typing what Mavis Beacon and similar couldn't do -- probably b/c of it's logical language structure associations.


Might want to see if you can edit the title of your post so that you'll get more responses from people who have typing/greek recommendations.


if you register for the free demo at talkingfingers.com, they'll send you a $25 coupon towards your purchase.

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for part one of your first question, I'd encourage beginning a typing prog ram at around six if you think you'll need it as a dysgraphia accomodation, phonological coding intervention or spelling work.


and whenever you want if your child is good at the above skills: 6, 7, 10...whenever.




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I personally found starting too young was a great waste of time and effort. My older two started on 1st grade in public school so I kept with it. I did not really see progress until about 4th grade. I really don't think they have the coordination. I will start 4th grade with my youngest. I also found doing typing in units worked much better. For example, doing 20 minutes a day for 6 weeks accomplished a whole lot more than 20 minutes for twice a week for a whole semester. We have had great success with Typing Instructor Deluxe.

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That's why I went with the developmentally appropriate Read, Write and Type. It's just a world of difference (and should be for what it costs!) over the typical typing programs


Not that everyone needs to spend the $$ though just in order to get someone typing so young. For us it's critical as a dysgraphia accomodation and as phonological intervention (spelling/reading)


Perhaps if our issues weren't so pressing, I'd have simply waited till they were a little older before returning to a more typical/mainstream typing program.



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My kids are learning for free on Learning2Type Tutor (just google it) it allows you to set up an account for all of your children, and they're doing great with it.


We do Latin (Minimus--Cambridge)...and German (Rosetta)...so no time for Greek for this family..unless it's mythology every now and then! :)



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