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Losing Weight - plateau


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This is the first time I've seriously put effort into losing weight.  In August I was 170 and a size 10, which is heavier than I've ever been not pregnant.  After some thought, I started counting calories.  This led to taking daily walks in the mornings before my kids even wake (this is huge because I am not a morning person and I've been walking in sub-zero temps lately).  I dropped 20 pounds in 3-3.5 months.  My face is skinnier, my tops are looser, my pants are a bit looser, and I'm overall happier with the scale saying 150.  I'd really like to get down to 145.  I'm 5'6" so that's still a healthy weight and it would give me a good five-pound cushion.  


Well, for the last three weeks I have maintained what I'm doing and still at this stupid 149/150lbs spot.  I can't get past it! I'm maintaining at least a 500 calorie deficit everyday. My meals are mostly veggies and meats with a few grains tossed in.  I do indulge in my one serving of chips at night because if I can't have that, then it's not worth it.  (I'm not a chocolate/sweets person.)  I'm making sure that I'm drinking 64 ounces of water.  


Here's my dilemma: Due to severely limited lung function, I can't run, I can't bike, I can't do anything huge cardio.  I don't have a heart monitor, but I'd assume my morning walks get my heart pumping a bit faster (pacing 19 min a mile through a few inches of snow).  I could probably do some strength training, but I don't have much time after my kids get up to do it - twenty minutes or less.


I'm getting to the point where I think maybe I just SHOULDN'T be below 150...

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I have two thoughts: 

1) have you recently recalibrated your basal metabolic rate? ie, this 500 cal deficit, is that from a calculation for daily caloric needs based on your exact weight right now. 

assuming yes, 

2) I'd ease up on that. 500 deficit is a lot.  I'd spend a week eating your calculated maintenance calories, & then drop by 300. 


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