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Biology and AP/CLEP testing

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I'm thinking ahead about how we want to do Biology next year.  My ds would be 10th grade, my dd would be 9th grade.  I'm leaning toward putting together our own thing with some older used texts available in the house for additional reading if needed.  

My ds is unsure about college at this point. He would like to be a Park Ranger, where a science degree could be helpful to getting a job, however.  My dd wants to study art.  She's had interests in science previously, but for now, is wanting an art degree. 

How important is it to do AP or CLEP testing in high school?  Specifically for Biology?  It seems so many people do it, but it doesn't mean we need to make the effort right?  While I know many of you do this kind of testing, can we just do high school and not do those tests?  Or if we are going to do one, would it be Biology?  

My ds doesn't want to do Biology.  He chose environmental science this year to delay Biology.  My dd has done Life science, so this won't be a hard course for her, but she's not leaning toward science in her future.  I'm just torn about how much to push in Biology for them.  I would rather just enjoy the subject and make it fun, not a huge deal with a BIG test at the end as our goal.  Or am I naive and need to do either AP or CLEP? 


thanks for your opinions :-)

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You don't have to do AP biology or any Ap science at all especially if the students don't want it. Just Biology is adequate and for your son that wants to be a park ranger- you should be able to target it more towards forestry and animal husbandry. Biology is so broad you can go in any direction. Even botany will be useful for him not just zoology.

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AP classes, I am sure, look good on a transcript but, unless your child needs/wants that challenge, or wants to prove himself worthy to a college admissions officer, there is no reason to push that. And CLEP for any subject is not necessary. The reason people CLEP is to earn college credit in high school. So if they study American Literature at home and then take the American Literature CLEP then they don't have to pay $ to take that course again in college. It counts as both high school and college credit. It can save a ton of $ on tuition. But if they aren't headed that direction then there is no need. But if they are headed to college then they may only want to CLEP out of the subjects that are related to general college courses that everyone has to take and their chosen field. 

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AP classes, I am sure, look good on a transcript but, unless your child needs/wants that challenge, or wants to prove himself worthy to a college admissions officer, there is no reason to push that. And CLEP for any subject is not necessary. The reason people CLEP is to earn college credit in high school. So if they study American Literature at home and then take the American Literature CLEP then they don't have to pay $ to take that course again in college. It counts as both high school and college credit. It can save a ton of $ on tuition. But if they aren't headed that direction then there is no need. But if they are headed to college then they may only want to CLEP out of the subjects that are related to general college courses that everyone has to take and their chosen field. 


Wanted to point at that only certain colleges accept CLEP test scores for credit, but usually all schools accept most AP exams scores.


Tess - Since your son isn't sure about college, and isn't so keen on biology in the first place, the AP Biology course is probably not the way to go. AP is much more difficult than CLEP. If things start looking like he is college bound, and he wants something to look good on his application, he can always take the SAT Biology Subject Test. Schools won't give credit for it like they do CLEP or AP, but it looks good on the transcript.  

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