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CC or well run homeschool center? Wwyd for this kid?

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My second child is a true socialite.


With my oldest CC has never been an option as he was so many light years ahead in every subject, in addition to it not meeting his needs for college admittance.


But with my daughter it's a different story. overall the academics would be a good fit. And she loves the idea of all her school coming from one place so to speak (we would stick with our own thing for math)


We've been invited to visit and check out a small happy CC campus. There are four kids in challenge A and so next year for challenge B they may have only five or they may have enough to do Mock Trial. This campus is somewhat laid back (some students opt out of Latin for example)


My dad really really needs to be with people and I need to not be her only accountability. I have loved her having outside classes this year! In fact I want all my kids classes outsourced either online or locally next year.


Our other option is a very well run homeschool

Class center where my son currently goes. It's much bigger and offers a Variety of classes. The teachers generally grade most assignments but because of scheduling you sometimes don't get the classes you need or want which would mean my dd would have to Utilize Landry. Once she gets to high school she can take Most of her classes there and then add a few online. They also have supervised study halls for students when not in class, strict rules about media use while on campus as well as a few "after school clubs"


But My dd loves this idea of CC and has looked very extensively at the curriculum and books and is excited about logic and mock trial. But A con with CC is that it's never guaranteed to last. Many communities just can't find people that want to tutor challenge 2 or especially 3 and 4. So I worry that my dd will get plugged in and then come sophomore year find herself having to go find new friends and community elsewhere. (And I've always hated the business model of CC which encourages constantly splitting off rather than stabilizing current communities so FYI I'm fully aware of all the annoying business practices and am willing to deal if it's best for my dd)


What would you do?

Edited by Calming Tea
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While I'm not a fan of CC either, if that was where my kid wanted to go and it was an option on the table, I wouldn't stop her.  The potential of changing communities isn't a big deterrent for us - kids all over the place move and change schools, and they do just fine after settling in.  Heck, my kid changed schools sophomore year and it was the best thing for him. 

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I pm'ed you about CC, but didn't really answer your question.


I would consider these three factors - 1) social opportunities (which one will give her more?) 2) Accountability - (imho Challenge will not give as much accountability as the local homeschool class center - so how much does she need, etc?) and 3) the ability to pick and choose - (with Challenge it's mostly all or nothing, with the homeschool center you could outsource a few classes 100% and do a few at home 100% which has been a great situation for one of mine).  



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I wouldn't think too far ahead regarding the CC options for high school, but rather look at keeping all options open for that stage.  I say that because we did Challenge A and B, and I fully thought when we started that we'd go all the way through the Challenge program, but we are now happily doing other things. 


Looking back, I have no regrets about doing both Challenge A and B with our two dc, but it really, really depends on the tutor you get as to what experience you are likely to have.  Are you wanting to just jump into Challenge B or will you start with Challenge A first?  If you like the mix of dc in the level you are considering and you recognize the quality of the tutor, then this could be an excellent option for you.



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