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When is the best time to shop for new curriculum?

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I'm starting to write out my 2017 curriculum wishlist for the new year ahead. We're in Australia and most of our curriculum will need to be purchased and shipped from US publishers.


I see a lot of sales and good discounts comming through my inbox from US suppliers, so is now a good time to buy or should I wait until January (new years sale, back to school)?

Edited by EngOZ
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As far as I've seen, the biggest sales are Black Friday/Cyber Monday (now), April (for reasonably early planners), and September (for last minute shoppers and those who are throwing out their chosen curriculum immediately).


January doesn't have many curriculum sales in the U.S. because it's mid-year here and most currics are full year.


If you want something for January, grab it now.

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Here's a little trick I started doing.  I pick out what I want and then I look up the company and/or the store I plan to buy from.  Then find their Facebook page and browse through the posts.  If they have a search feature, even better. I just put in "sale" and see what pops up.  It's never a guarantee that the same sale will be offered, but it gives you a good idea of when certain companies run their sales. 

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We are in australia too. I start my wish list very early, at least 6 months before we need it. I generally buy during the september sales or Black Friday/Cyber Monday for any downloadable curricula. I think I have everything ready for next year, I bought one last item this week in the current sales. It really depends on the curricula you want, some have great sales at predictable times and others are never on sale so it makes no difference when you order.

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Thanks LEK, I'm getting a bit more savvy when shopping for curriculum now that I understand that American's are on a different time line to the way we organise our schooling in Oz. :coolgleamA: 


We are in australia too. I start my wish list very early, at least 6 months before we need it. I generally buy during the september sales or Black Friday/Cyber Monday for any downloadable curricula. I think I have everything ready for next year, I bought one last item this week in the current sales. It really depends on the curricula you want, some have great sales at predictable times and others are never on sale so it makes no difference when you order.



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